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:k8s-infra: 04 - Document and present the method for GCP/AWS spend and asking for credits: #8

Open hh opened 10 months ago

hh commented 10 months ago

Caleb Woodbine #sig-k8s-infra -> https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/CCK68P2Q2/p1706473322825959

Probably something like an org file that has steps, then eventually automate and populate something similar to what we dump into the channel.

K8s Infra Cost:

Data up to Week 4 - (21st - 27th January 2024)

hh commented 10 months ago

This will likely involve following up with Mila Zhou / Matt at AWS.


BobyMCbobs commented 10 months ago

@hh, there's a Google Sheet (which I won't link here for security and privacy reasons) for keeping track of the data. The spreadsheet has links to the LookerStudio report for GCP and the CostExplorer page for AWS. The main things which could have documentation is how to copy the week's usage in and credits balance, where to copy the results out and which Google Doc (again, won't link here for security and privacy reason) to write them in.

BobyMCbobs commented 10 months ago

This will likely involve following up with Mila Zhou / Matt at AWS.


@hh, this message is regarding the request for assistance in using the AWS CostExplorer API in Go, since I've had some trouble understanding it's usage. See my branch: https://github.com/BobyMCbobs/k8s.io/tree/add-cost-report