apt-get install libdevmapper-dev
apt-get source btrfs-tools
apt-get install e2fslibs-dev libacl1-dev libblkid-dev liblzo2-dev uuid-dev asciidoc xmlto
export AUTO_GOPATH=1
./hack/make.sh dynbinary --short blab
# WARNING! I don't seem to be running in the Docker container.
# The result of this command might be an incorrect build, and will not be
# officially supported.
# Try this instead: make all
bundles/1.6.0-rc4 already exists. Removing.
---> Making bundle: dynbinary (in bundles/1.6.0-rc4/dynbinary)
Created binary: /root/docker-1.6.0-rc4/bundles/1.6.0-rc4/dynbinary/dockerinit-1.6.0-rc4
# github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver/btrfs
.gopath/src/github.com/docker/docker/daemon/graphdriver/btrfs/version.go:6:27: fatal error: btrfs/version.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
./hack/make.sh dynbinary --short blab 193.17s user 32.18s system 172% cpu 2:10.99 total
On bananian:
# dpkg -L btrfs-tools | grep include
But upstream seems to include the header files.... should be enough to get someone going
I'm running into issue with btrfs not being available, so I'm storing this as a todo later.
On bananian:
But upstream seems to include the header files.... should be enough to get someone going