ii8 / havoc

minimal terminal emulator for wayland
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clicking on word/line does not select it #51

Open bdantas opened 8 months ago

bdantas commented 8 months ago

Hello again, ii8. In some terminal emulators, double-clicking on a word selects that word and triple-clicking on a word selects the whole line that word appears on. Havoc is not exhibiting either selection behavior.

Is this something that has to be enabled at build time? I'm using havoc 0.5.0 on linux x86_64 and it was build like this. Maybe a configuration option needs to be set in ~/.config/havoc.cfg? Or is absence of this behavior by design due to the minimalistic philosophy?

ii8 commented 8 months ago

This is a feature I've not implemented so far, but I'm not against it.

bdantas commented 8 months ago

I'm happy to know it was not a compilation or configuration error on my end. Thanks for letting me know. Havoc is great as-is, this would just be a nice enhancement if/when you can get around to it. Happy hacking!