iiasa / ibis.iSDM

Modelling framework for creating Integrated SDMS
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Unclear warning log message with `distribution()` #91

Closed jeffreyhanson closed 7 months ago

jeffreyhanson commented 7 months ago

I'm trying to fit a species distribution model using data in the projection EPSG:26917 (https://epsg.io/26917). When I initialize the model using distribution(), I see receive this output:

> ibis.iSDM::distribution(env_grid_data)
#> [Setup] 2024-01-31 10:47:12.454835 | Provide a background with a valid projection!
#> [Setup] 2024-01-31 10:47:12.470958 | Creating distribution object...
#> <Biodiversity distribution model>
#> Background extent: 
#>      xmin: 364994.676, xmax: 4656984.291,
#>      ymin: 545494.676, ymax: 4877484.291
#>    projection: +proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs
#>  --------- 
#> Biodiversity data:
#>    None
#>  --------- 
#>   predictors:     None
#>   priors:         <Default>
#>   latent:         None
#>   log:            <Console>
#>   engine:         <NONE>

I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something obvious - but it's not obvious to me why this projection is not valid? Initially, I thought I must have mistakenly specified a CRS with decimal degree units instead of meters. However, that's not the case. Looking into the source code, I see this:

    # Check that provided background has a valid crs
      if(getOption('ibis.setupmessages')) myLog('[Setup]','red','Provide a background with a valid projection!')

My understanding is that this code would trigger this log warning (I assume red text is warning text?) if the projection has an EPSG or ESRI code? I'm sorry, I don't understand why that would be an issue. My understanding is that there are plenty of coordinate reference systems with defined EPSG/ESRI codes that are suitable for distribution modelling. Perhaps terra::is.lonlat() might be a more useful check here to throw a warning if users try do species distribution modelling on data that aren't in a projected coordinate system?

mhesselbarth commented 7 months ago

I stumbled across the same message the other day and talked to Martin about it already. In general, I as currently written the message doesn't really make sense. I also don't see why an existing ESRI code should trigger a warning?

In general, as long as there is a CRS (which is identical with alter predictors, biodiv, etc.) there shouldn't be a problem, right?

Martin-Jung commented 7 months ago

Indeed. Max, if you can push that change to the dev branch, that would be much appreciated. Sorry for the confusing warning messages.

mhesselbarth commented 7 months ago

✍️ 📓 Will do!

jeffreyhanson commented 7 months ago

No worries - thanks for the quick response!