iic2154-uc-cl / 2024-2-S4-Grupo2-Web

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Automated Issue on branch main #1

Open CodeWatchdog opened 1 month ago

CodeWatchdog commented 1 month ago
title Scores History
section 644d89227cdcf8bf1e91f0e121b0f916a21e84a8
message: 4: agustin-rios
vulnerability: 5: agustin-rios

section 3f1b70b5e50264f0e2ba08dee2a3a0c878fa9d60
message: 5: luzmagurzua
vulnerability: 5: luzmagurzua
CodeWatchdog commented 1 month ago

Commit Review Summary [644d89227cdcf8bf1e91f0e121b0f916a21e84a8]

Author Provided Message Generated Message Adherence Score Comment
@agustin-rios 'Add GitHub Action workflow to all branches' 'Add commit review GitHub Action for all branches' 4 😄 The user-suggested message is clear and concise. However, it can be improved to be more specific about the purpose of the workflow. The generated message provides better context by mentioning 'commit review' explicitly.

Code Complexity

Complexity Comment
The complexity of the added GitHub Action workflow is low. The YAML file is straightforward, defining a workflow triggered on pushes to any branch. It consists of a series of steps: checking out the code, setting up Python, installing dependencies, and running a Python script. Each step is clearly defined and easy to follow. Overall, the code is readable and maintains good structure.

Code Vulnerability

Score Comment
5 😍 No vulnerabilities are detected in the commit. The secrets are securely accessed using GitHub's secrets management, and the script execution steps are well-defined. The use of environment variables for sensitive data ensures that credentials are not exposed directly in the workflow file.

SOLID Principles

Principle Score Comment
Singleresponsibility 5 😍 The commit adheres well to the Single Responsibility Principle. Each job and step in the workflow has a clear and singular purpose, such as setting up the environment, installing dependencies, and running the review script.
Openclosed 4 😄 The workflow is extendable, allowing the addition of new steps or modification of existing ones without significant changes. For future extensions, additional steps or jobs can be seamlessly added.
Liskovsubstitution 4 😄 The Liskov Substitution Principle is not directly applicable to GitHub Actions YAML files. However, the defined jobs can be replaced or updated without affecting the overall functionality of the workflow.
Interfacesegregation 5 😍 The workflow configuration is specific and minimal, avoiding broad interfaces. Each step is narrowly focused on a single task, making the workflow maintainable and easy to understand.
Dependencyinversion 5 😍 The workflow uses abstractions (e.g., GitHub Actions and environment variables) rather than direct implementations. This makes the workflow adaptable and flexible, as changes to underlying tools or secrets management do not require changes to the workflow file itself.
CodeWatchdog commented 4 weeks ago

Commit Review Summary [3f1b70b5e50264f0e2ba08dee2a3a0c878fa9d60]

Author Provided Message Generated Message Adherence Score Comment
@luzmagurzua 'Delete .DS_Store' 'Remove .DS_Store file' 5 😍 The provided commit message is clear, concise, and accurately describes the action taken. This follows best practices for commit messages.

Code Complexity

Complexity Comment
The diff is straightforward as it involves the deletion of a single file, .DS_Store. There is no complexity involved in this change.

Code Vulnerability

Score Comment
5 😍 There are no vulnerabilities introduced by this commit as it simply deletes a file. No further action required.

SOLID Principles

Principle Score Comment
Singleresponsibility 5 😍 The change adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle as it only deletes a file and does not mix other changes.
Openclosed 5 😍 The Open/Closed Principle is not applicable here since there is no modification or extension of functionality, just a file deletion.
Liskovsubstitution 5 😍 The Liskov Substitution Principle is not relevant to this commit as it involves no class hierarchies or inheritance.
Interfacesegregation 5 😍 The Interface Segregation Principle is not applicable in this context since no interfaces are involved.
Dependencyinversion 5 😍 The Dependency Inversion Principle is not applicable here as the commit does not involve any dependency changes.