iilab / contentascode

Content as Code
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Prototype implementation #9

Open jmatsushita opened 8 years ago

jmatsushita commented 8 years ago

Prototype should allow to do demos and showcase how key functionalities will work and improve existing content workflows.


jmatsushita commented 8 years ago

@bsenyk added Gollum as an interop goal for the platform with the aim to hookup gitlab wikis.

jmatsushita commented 8 years ago

Another approach to comments https://carnivalapp.io/docs

seamustuohy commented 8 years ago

Both gitlabs and github now support templates for pull requests and issues. Figuring out how to best integrate and utilize these will make it far easier for non-expert users to provide feedack and suggest content changes to content.

shulter commented 8 years ago

Idea for a TOC/md-linker from @mixmix : https://github.com/mixmix/hypermarkdown

seamustuohy commented 8 years ago

Also came across the interface that common accord is using for viewing, editing, and more laws. It might be something to build off of of, or gain insight from for authoring.

mixmix commented 8 years ago

I'm playing with gitbook's include features at the moment. A little fiddley but more fully featured and supported i hope.

Example setup :


  "gitbook": "2.x.x",
  "plugins": [ "collapsible-menu" ],
  "pluginsConfig": {
    "fontSettings": {
      "theme": "night"
  "variables": {
    "github": {
      "book": "https://github.com/hihi-2016/book/blob/master/"
    "org": {
      "cohort": "https://github.com/hihi-2016/" 
    "repo": {
      "concepts": "git+https://github.com/dev-academy-programme/curriculum.git/concepts/",
      "resources": "git+https://github.com/dev-academy-programme/curriculum.git/resources/"
  "styles": {
    "website": "styles/website.css"


{% include book.repo.concepts + 'README.md' %}