iimurpyh / pilot-lua

Documentation for the programming language of ROBLOX game Waste of Space
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Missing information #23

Closed Darkstepan closed 10 months ago

Darkstepan commented 10 months ago

I wasn't able to find documentation for these things:

Confusing: StarMap documentation doesn't specify how coordinates are represented https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/StarMap

for k, v in StarMap:GetBodies() do
 print(k, v) --> v is coordinates, k is null.

Other issues: from issue #21

from issue #20

from issue #3

Erex147 commented 10 months ago

for k, v in StarMap:GetBodies() do print(k, v) --> v is coordinates, k is null. end

I don't think this works becuz there's no pairs or ipairs mentioned

iimurpyh commented 10 months ago

https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Part#string-partguid https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Container https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Faucet https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Microcontroller-Globals#void-communicate (also added SandboxID and SandboxRunID globals) https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Button https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Part#vector3-partposition https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Part#cframe-partcframe https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Light#void-lightsetcolorcolor3-color https://github.com/iimurpyh/pilot-lua/wiki/Coordinate-Strings (Now linked to by Telescope and StarMap)

Assembler, Constructor, Part:GetEvents(), Part:GetMethods(), and Part:GetConfigurables() are not implemented in Stable. I will document them when they are.