iiordanov / remote-desktop-clients

VNC, RDP, SPICE, and oVirt/RHEV/Proxmox Clients for Android and Blackberry 10
GNU General Public License v3.0
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build error,"I-c From Scratch",Command Error: Running ['aarch64-linux-android-ar', #536

Open wyythsl2022 opened 3 months ago

wyythsl2022 commented 3 months ago

Hello, I am compiling according to the steps in "I-c From Scratch" on the ubuntu18.04 operating system the information on the console: Running cerbero build for armeabi-v7a in /home/test/spice/remote-desktop-clients-master/remoteClientLib/jni/libs Install prefix will be /home/test/spice/remote-desktop-clients-master/remoteClientLib/jni/libs/cerbero/build/dist/android_universal Building the following arches: armv7 arm64 x86 x86_64 Building the following recipes: gnustl libffi zlib proxy-libintl libiconv glib gstreamer-1.0 ca-certificates openssl glib-networking libxml2 pixman libpsl sqlite3 libsoup libpng expat bzip2 freetype fontconfig cairo json-glib libogg fribidi harfbuzz pango libvorbis libtheora libvisual orc opus graphene libjpeg-turbo tremor gst-plugins-base-1.0 speex tiff gdk-pixbuf mpg123 lame wavpack flac taglib libvpx libdv gst-plugins-good-1.0 a52dec opencore-amr x264 gst-plugins-ugly-1.0 libkate openh264 librtmp libsrtp libdca libmms libnice soundtouch vo-aacenc libcroco librsvg openjpeg spandsp webrtc-audio-processing sbc ladspa srt libusrsctp zbar vulkan-android gst-plugins-bad-1.0 ffmpeg gst-libav-1.0 gst-rtsp-server-1.0 gst-devtools-1.0 gst-editing-services-1.0 gst-android-1.0 spice-protocol gtk-doc-lite libjpeg8 pyparsing six liblz4 libusb-1.0 spice-usbredir spice-gtk spiceglue Building using 4 job(s) with the following job subdivisions: 4 general job(s) -----> Contents of /home/test/spice/remote-desktop-clients-master/remoteClientLib/jni/libs/cerbero/build/logs/android_arm64/gnustl-compile.log:

Recipe 'gnustl' failed at the build step 'compile' Command Error: Running ['aarch64-linux-android-ar', 'rc', '/home/test/spice/remote-desktop-clients-master/remoteClientLib/jni/libs/cerbero/build/dist/android_universal/arm64/lib/libandroid_support.a'] returned -1

Select an action to proceed: [0] Enter the shell [1] Rebuild the recipe from scratch [2] Rebuild starting from the failed step [3] Skip recipe [4] Abort

I am really looking forward to your help. Thank you!!