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Problem playing back captured Instagram pages #389

Open peterk opened 5 years ago

peterk commented 5 years ago

I have captured Instagram pages with Squidwarc and playing them in back in openwayback (latest Docker) triggers a script that seems to put the UI in an endless loop of reloads:


The same WARC file plays back in Webrecorder player and pywb without any problems.

The openwayback log does not seem to contain any errors apart from messages like this when the interface is reloaded:

Dec 25, 2018 7:49:32 AM org.archive.wayback.util.webapp.PortMapper getRequestHandlerContext
FINER: No mapping for localhost/wayback
Dec 25, 2018 7:49:32 AM org.archive.wayback.util.webapp.PortMapper getRequestHandlerContext
FINER: No mapping for localhost/

Attaching a sample WARC where this issue happens (which works fin in e.g. Webrecorder player):


jafamo commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem with Port:

Feb 27, 2019 5:00:41 PM org.archive.wayback.util.webapp.RequestMapper mapRequest WARNING: No PortMapper for port 80

ldko commented 5 years ago

@jafamo is your problem also specifically with replaying Instagram pages?

@peterk thanks for opening this issue. We recognize there is a problem, as you report, with replaying Instagram pages. We currently do not have a fix in the works for handling this, but we are accepting pull requests if anyone would like to work on the issue.

jafamo commented 5 years ago

Hi @ldko, Not really. I installed openwayback and I change port in wayback.xml to port=80 Now I have a new error:

Feb 27, 2019 5:37:54 PM org.archive.wayback.util.webapp.PortMapper getRequestHandlerContext
FINER: No mapping for MY_DOMAIN/
Feb 27, 2019 5:37:54 PM org.archive.wayback.util.webapp.PortMapper getRequestHandlerContext
FINER: No mapping for /

In my wayback.xml I have configured:

ldko commented 5 years ago

Hi @jafamo, What is the URL you are using when you are getting an error? Using https with port 80 is not common. By default, if you are not specifying a port in your URL, it would be looking at port 443 when using a https scheme. Also, if you are running in Tomcat and not using the default port 8080, you may need to configure a <Connector> for the port in your Tomcat's conf/server.xml if you haven't already.

Have you tried running OpenWayback with a default configuration to see if it is working for you? As it is, I believe your issue is unrelated to the issue initially described in #389. If you continue to have a problem after troubleshooting your port, please open a new issue and link to this one as a reference to the thread so far. Thanks!