In the numerator we are taking the inverse of the degrees of the common neighbors and then summing it.
In the denominator we are taking the sum first of the degrees in each case and then inversing it.
The above behavior is according to the pdf and is causing values to be greater than 1.
For the denominator should we proceed as in the pdf,that is,summing first then taking inverse,or taking the inverse first and then sum,which is how its there for the numerator.
Could you please clarify?
Hi Professor,
In the numerator we are taking the inverse of the degrees of the common neighbors and then summing it. In the denominator we are taking the sum first of the degrees in each case and then inversing it. The above behavior is according to the pdf and is causing values to be greater than 1.
For the denominator should we proceed as in the pdf,that is,summing first then taking inverse,or taking the inverse first and then sum,which is how its there for the numerator. Could you please clarify?
Thank you, Ranadeep