iitc-project / ingress-intel-total-conversion

ingress.com/intel total conversion user script with some new features. Should allow easier extension of the intel map.
ISC License
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Cache Key Locations #1039

Open ryantheleach opened 9 years ago

ryantheleach commented 9 years ago

Caching the key locations and displaying them on a separate layer would enable people to share screenshots of the locations that they currently have keys without any extra load induced on the intel map.

This would also allow people to sort their keys based on distance in order to help organize their inventory locally. By flagging a key as "to be recycled" this would allow people to quickly organize their keys, then go back and update their player location, sort based on distance and quickly recycle their keys.

billplaysonline commented 7 years ago

I think this could be merged with #309 Make a click select near 'DrawTools Opt' maby call it 'Keys Opt' and have it bring up a list of things to do simular to DrawTolls Opt In there I would like to see a Delete Keys function The requests by Ryan Leach and any other house keeping for keys And thanks for all your great work,

hayeswise commented 7 years ago

For the "Caching the key locations and displaying them on a separate layer...", That is essentially done by the Ingress Planner. The Portals tab provides a list of portal names, keys owned and keys missing.

I agree that some additional key management functionality would be nice -- especially if it would integrate with the mobile scanners.