iitc-project / ingress-intel-total-conversion

ingress.com/intel total conversion user script with some new features. Should allow easier extension of the intel map.
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Change google terrain max zoom level to match othe layers #1258

Open Eccenux opened 6 years ago

Eccenux commented 6 years ago


Could you change maxZoom to 21 for "Google Terrain"? I often walk around hilly areas and the terrain map lets me choose most efficient paths.

I've tested this by switching to terrain and setting manually map._layersMaxZoom = 21. All seem to work fine. No errors in the console. The terrain does become flat, but it's better then switching layers (especially on mobile).

This is the line to change (just change 15 to 21):

baseLayers['Google Terrain'] = new L.Google('TERRAIN',{maxZoom:15});

It's in createDefaultBaseMapLayers.

Thanks in advance :-).

johnd0e commented 5 years ago

Fixed in IITC-CE