iitc-project / ingress-intel-total-conversion

ingress.com/intel total conversion user script with some new features. Should allow easier extension of the intel map.
ISC License
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Add support for new intel URL + IITCM #1278

Closed iBotPeaches closed 5 years ago

iBotPeaches commented 5 years ago


Took a bit to build mobile, its using Android 4.4.2, API19 and the Ant build system isn't even in new build tools so had to downgrade and build it. If you need to downgrade your build tools, check this - https://stackoverflow.com/a/42921645/455008

Based off the work of @EvoldicA & @terencehonles

dingram commented 5 years ago

If this is good to merge, I'll make a new release.

iBotPeaches commented 5 years ago

@dingram Based on the access logs of the test build I made, a few hundred people are running this build and haven't had anything reported yet. So I believe its good to go. I've been running it since this morning and it works great.

Though, it is my first contribution to this repo so I don't know the ins/outs if I missed something.

ExtremeMoves commented 5 years ago


* `www` intel map seems dead. So killed that cruff

* `intel.ingress.com` works, but far too many changes for IITC to support that, so keeping the redundant `intel.ingress.com/intel`

* I want to kill off legacy - `http`, but redirects still work so left that

* Updated draw-tools and anything I found with reference to "www.ingress.com/intel"

* I tested a build of IITCM and it worked. I can only build test builds, but it worked.

* fixes #1276

Took a bit to build mobile, its using Android 4.4.2, API19 and the Ant build system isn't even in new build tools so had to downgrade and build it. If you need to downgrade your build tools, check this - https://stackoverflow.com/a/42921645/455008

Based off the work of @EvoldicA & @terencehonles

iBotPeaches anyway you can upload a link for android mobile client please? I doubt this is going to get approved soon.

ExtremeMoves commented 5 years ago

My bad i see that a developer commented on wanting to release it soon. dingram. Yes please release a compile soon. Tks :)

fkloft commented 5 years ago

I haven't yet time to look thoroughly as I just returned from work, but it seems to be fine.

@dingram: Looks good to me.

computerJoe commented 5 years ago

Please, is there an APK available or do others need to be coders to compile this?

rovert9888 commented 5 years ago

This one is working httpss://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cradle.iitc_mobile_ja

computerJoe commented 5 years ago

Thanks Downloading

computerJoe commented 5 years ago

Thanks Up and running

EvoldicA commented 5 years ago

I've tested the changes @iBotPeaches made, and they've been working great. (when standard intel is not down.) Any reason to stay with Ant instead of migrating to something more current like Gradle ?

mallworldfalcon commented 5 years ago

Managed to compile an APK, but gets stuck after logging in on the IITC background