iitc-project / ingress-intel-total-conversion

ingress.com/intel total conversion user script with some new features. Should allow easier extension of the intel map.
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I Cannot get IITC to run on Mozilla or Chrome #1302

Open matatacmca opened 5 years ago

matatacmca commented 5 years ago

What am I doing wrong???

I have installed as per instructions at https://iitc.me/desktop/ but IITC does not replace the standard intel map

johnd0e commented 5 years ago

just open correct url: https://intel.ingress.com/intel

McBen commented 5 years ago
modos189 commented 5 years ago

I'll add that IITC-CE supports Greasemonkey.

You can also install a browser extension IITC-Button (for Firefox and Chrome) to make it easier to install and manage IITC plugins.

MysticJay commented 5 years ago

just open correct url: https://intel.ingress.com/intel

This is just a workaround...

I've just started a mission to fix that. Problem is that NIA changed the original MAP-Link on their Homepage to a simple "https://intel.ingress.com" (I call it stock-URL). If you go via that URL IITC and about 120/140 plugins will not get triggered as they only cover the deprecated "/intel*" URL. Also I found that when the stock URL is loading some paths are used that are not covered by the existing @match or @include:

While the last might be pretty unused in IITC, the /r seems to be more important. In fact it seems that when using the old style url with /intel* NIA diverts everything that is not a map-Link like /intel?ll=25,0&z=3 to /... anyways.

I extracted all used URLs from my scripts and found these different schemes are in use:

// @include *://*.ingress.com/* // @include *://*.ingress.com/intel* // @include *://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @include *://intel.ingress.com/* // @include /^https://ingress.com/intel.*/ // @include /^https://www.ingress.com/intel.*/ // @include /^https:\/\/.*ingress\.com\/intel.*/ // @include /^https:\/\/ingress\.com\/intel.*/ // @include /^https?:\/\/.*ingress\.com\/intel.*/ // @include /^https?:\/\/intel.ingress\.com.*/ // @include http://*.ingress.com/* // @include http://*.ingress.com/intel* // @include http://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @include http://*ingress.com/intel* // @include http://ingress.com/intel* // @include http://www.ingress.com/intel* // @include http://www.ingress.com/mission/* // @include https://*.ingress.com/* // @include https://*.ingress.com/intel* // @include https://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @include https://ingress.com/intel* // @include https://intel.ingress.com/* // @include https://www.ingress.com/intel* // @include https://www.ingress.com/mission/* // @match *://*.ingress.com/* // @match *://*.ingress.com/intel* // @match *://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @match *://intel.ingress.com/* // @match /^https?:\/\/intel.ingress\.com.*/ // @match http://*.ingress.com/* // @match http://*.ingress.com/intel* // @match http://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @match http://ingress.com/intel* // @match http://www.ingress.com/intel* // @match http://www.ingress.com/mission/* // @match https://*.ingress.com/* // @match https://*.ingress.com/intel* // @match https://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @match https://ingress.com/intel* // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @match https://www.ingress.com/intel* // @match https://www.ingress.com/mission/*

and all these could be simply replaced by a single // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* which I checked by replacing any line with @include *ingress* or @match *ingress* with that single statement above.

(sidenote: @match is sufficient here, @include is not needed.)

After that change ALL 140 plugins would register, and all those plugins that I had activated loaded without problems using the (new) stock-URL. Even better, the response was faster and some weirdness's I observed before (like "dark matter tile loading instead of selected map tiles) are gone.

So what ever you think my findings I encourage everyone to adopt now and make IITC react properly on "intel.ingress.com". use this scheme (only) // @match https://intel.ingress.com/*

Matthias (Firefox & Tampermonkey)

johnd0e commented 5 years ago

I encourage everyone to adopt now and make IITC react properly on "intel.ingress.com".

Its already adopted in successor project - IITC-CE.