iitc-project / ingress-intel-total-conversion

ingress.com/intel total conversion user script with some new features. Should allow easier extension of the intel map.
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Portal Info: clean portal info tab with IITC in mind. #135

Closed stighackvan closed 11 years ago

stighackvan commented 11 years ago

the portal information pane (and/or tab in IITC) is overdue for a bit of cleanup...

poslinks and permalink are pretty vague and confusing... "poslinks" seems like it ought to be "map link" and i'm not sure what a better name for permalink would be, but the name is confusing. i think the "donate" link ought to move to an "about IITC" page, and the same goes for the link to iitc's home page, but they don't belong in the information pane for a specific portal.

also, it's confusing to have search box and redeem passcode in different places....

having javascript so active in the chatbox textentry fields is a real performance killer on android and screws up the onscreen keyboard and editing in the text field...

jonatkins commented 11 years ago

"Donate" doesn't belong there, and should probably just go now. "map link" does make more sense - but can you think of alternative wording that makes it clear it's a link to external map sources? An "about" link, opening a dialog with further details/links, seems like a good idea - moving "home page" to it, and perhaps listing things like version number and installed plugins, if possible?) "permalink" - creates a link for the current view - "view link" perhaps?

I'm not so sure about 'search' and 'redeem passcode' being in separate locations is an issue - if they were next to each other then text would make it into the wrong field too often. perhaps 'redeem code' should be a link to open a dialog for text entry?

adding support for 'invite', now people have some to use, would make sense too. That'll be a tricky one to test though...

Chat text entry/javascript - create a separate issue for them - let's keep this one to the sidebar only.

stighackvan commented 11 years ago

for IITC mobile, just punt on invite links and let the ingress app do that.

search and redeem passcode, at least for iitc mobile, ought to be a menu option, i think... text entry fields in super-tiny fonts are extremely hard to use on phone interfaces...

the 'perrmalink' could be 'bookmark this view' which is too longwinded, but more descriptive of what it is.

stighackvan commented 11 years ago

bookmarking specific regions of interest would be especially interesting in iitc mobile, where too much fiddling around with mobile data while panning and zooming can get expensive... outside of the android browser, bookmark functionality is lost, even if iitc is a big web view.

Fragger commented 11 years ago

Imo I think permalink is completely descriptive as it gets used on forum posts and the like for a link directly to them, the same as it is a permalink to the current view. The only thing I could see renaming it to would be "Link" like the stock intel uses.

jonatkins commented 11 years ago

ok - think I (and others) have made enough improvements in this area, yes?

there's been improvement to link names title text has been added (ok, not so useful for mobile, but helps explain things for desktop) donate removed, about box added these changes also include plugins that links to the linkdetails area for portals, or to the toolbox

javascript has been removed from text entry when in mobile mode