iitc-project / ingress-intel-total-conversion

ingress.com/intel total conversion user script with some new features. Should allow easier extension of the intel map.
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Minor bug: IITC Mobile: Back softkey press in popups should ideally exit popups. #363

Closed tb52s7 closed 11 years ago

tb52s7 commented 11 years ago

After some extra fiddling, I figured out where the bug is that causes IITC Mobile to dump to android launcher directly from the info screen - it's in the info screen plugins. You can try this for yourself: go to your info screen and open an info plugin (e.g. portals list or scoreboard or guess player levels) and then press the back button. Instead of exiting the popup, the screen behind the popup will be cycled backwards, eventually leading to IITC Mobile exiting directly from the popup rather than the map.

I submit that the behavior of the back softkey inside popups should be identical to a press of the "OK" button that closes the popup.

jonatkins commented 11 years ago

I've been meaning to post this exact issue, or look into a fix for it. Although the action of the 'back' button should actually be the dialogs close button at the top right - This could, in theory, be different to the 'OK' action.

tb52s7 commented 11 years ago

@jonatkins I see; currently the IITC Mobile dialogs referenced do not have such a close button, only the OK button. Just putting that out there for everybody's reference.