iits-consulting / terraform-opentelekomcloud-project-factory

This repository helps to create an OTC-based cloud-native infrastructure landscape with Kubernetes, load balancers, VPCs, etc. With these modules, we provide you a rocket start while you can still deep-dive into detailed configuration later.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Disable/Enable health check for Listener #117

Open nadtoka opened 1 week ago

nadtoka commented 1 week ago

Is there a way to disable health check for some of the listeners using your modules?

We already use your VPC, SNAT and CCE modules.

Currently we have a separate resource for ELB creation ( resource "opentelekomcloud_lb_loadbalancer_v2" "elb" ) and it looks like listeners are automatically being created as part of some of the mentioned above modules or included helm charts.

{"cluster_id":"fa47eb97-2f2e-11ef-801","service_id":"559ac","port":53,"attention":"Attention! It is auto-generated by CCE service, do not modify!"}

In any case I am trying to understand how listeners are created and how to enable disable health check for some of them.

Would be very grateful for help

nadtoka commented 1 week ago

I have checked the code of mentioned above 3 modules and have not seen there listeners resources.... But if I can manage health check using your modules then please let me know.