iizukanao / picam-streamer

Out-of-the-box SD card image for live streaming with Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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/run/shm/hooks files disappearing #23

Open plehatron opened 6 years ago

plehatron commented 6 years ago


Thanks for this awesome project. Did you run into any problems with files in /run/shm/hooks disappearing after a certain period of time? In my case, after a couple of hours the symlink gets broken. This is happening on Raspbian Stretch Lite version 2017-09-07.

From what I was able to investigate, option RemoveIPC=yes of systemd could be the culprit. systemd by default cleans up interprocess communication for user accounts who are not logged in, and we're using the pi user as the owner of hooks dir, so it's files get cleaned up after a while.

One of the solutions is to uncomment line with RemoveIPC and change it to no in /etc/systemd/logind.conf, but I was wondering if there's something else that could be done, maybe run the picam-stream as some other system user?