iizukanao / picam

Audio/video recorder for Raspberry Pi with language agnostic API
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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HLS does not appear to be functioning #172

Closed jmarshall120 closed 2 years ago

jmarshall120 commented 2 years ago

With the release of picam 2.0, I have migrated to Bullseye and completed the upgrade to the new picam version. Unfortunately, I am having issues using HLS.

  1. I have included the required section in my /etc/nginx/sites-available/default file: server { ... location /hls/ { root /run/shm; } ... }

  2. I have temporarily disabled the picam init.d script and I am executing the following (in the picam folder), with it's output all looking fine (_makedirs.sh is executed prior): sudo ./picam -o /run/shm/hls --alsadev hw:1,0 created directory: ./rec/tmp [0:12:08.177808082] [675] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0+3700-f30ad033 [0:12:08.280450654] [677] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1368 Registered camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 to Unicam device /dev/media3 and ISP device /dev/media0 [0:12:08.282136701] [675] INFO Camera camera.cpp:1029 configuring streams: (0) 1920x1080-YUV420 [0:12:08.282851078] [677] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:759 Sensor: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 - Selected sensor format: 1920x1080-SGBRG10_1X10 - Selected unicam format: 1920x1080-pGAA capturing started

  3. I then attempt to access the stream using Firefox from a client computer and am met with the nginx "403 Forbidden" page

  4. I then attempt to stream to VLC on the client using which is throwing a "VLC is unable to open..." error.

Here is the output of /var/log/nginx/access.log - - [18/Jul/2022:20:17:52 +1000] "GET /hls/ HTTP/1.1" 403 125 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0" - - [18/Jul/2022:20:20:29 +1000] "GET /hls/index.m3u8 HTTP/1.1" 404 153 "-" "VLC/ LibVLC/"

Here is the output of /var/log/nginx/error.log 2022/07/18 20:17:52 [error] 460#460: *1 directory index of "/run/shm/hls/" is forbidden, client:, server: _, request: "GET /hls/ HTTP/1.1", host: "" 2022/07/18 20:20:29 [error] 460#460: *2 open() "/run/shm/hls/index.m3u8" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /hls/index.m3u8 HTTP/1.1", host: ""

I have also used chown -R www-data:www-data and chmod 744 on the /run/shm/hls directory

My guess is that the index.m3u8 stream file isn't being created in the /run/shm/hls folder. Any ideas?

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

@jmarshall120 Hmm, I just checked but I don't have any trouble using HLS. What are the contents of /run/shm/hls/ directory? Also, please check to see if there are any nginx configurations related to the 403 Forbidden error.

jmarshall120 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I knew I forgot to post some info the other day. /run/shm/hls is empty while picam is running: pi@rpiz2:~ $ ls /run/shm/hls/ -al total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 40 Jul 20 19:05 . drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 120 Jul 20 19:05 ..

I've tried sudo ./picam -o /run/shm/hls --alsadev hw:1,0 with and without sudo. The directory is empty both ways.

There's no configuration in nginx for the 403 error. My intuition is telling me that picam is not creating the output in the /run/shm/hls directory for some reason, despite the output of the picam command not showing any errors.

//////////////////////////////// I've narrowed the problem down to likely audio-related

So I've managed to get the stream partially working; however, I had to disable audio capture. I'm using this command now, which I am able to stream to a client: sudo ./picam -o /run/shm/hls --time

This also results in the index.m3u8 and multiple .ts files being in /run/shm/hls.

When specifying the audio device there have been no errors thrown. I've also confirmed my user is a member of the audio group: pi@rpiz2:~ $ groups pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input render netdev gpio i2c spi

EDIT: I don't have ffmpeg installed at present.

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce the issue regardless of the availability of audio. HLS files are successfully created with or without audio. Can you post the full picam output with the option --verbose?

jmarshall120 commented 2 years ago

I still haven't worked this out. The /run/shm/hls directory only fills up when --noaudio is used (or the wrong asladev is sepcified so it disables audio automatically)

pi@tpiz2w:~$ cat run_picam.sh sudo bash /home/pi/make_dirs.sh cd /home/pi/picam && sudo ./picam -o /run/shm/hls --time --alsadev hw:1,0 --verbose > /var/log/picam.log 2>&1 pi@rpiz2:~ $ ./run_picam.sh ^C^C pi@rpiz2:~$ cat /var/log/picam.log video_width=1920 video_height=1080 video_fps=30.000000 video_pts_step=3000 video_gop_size=30 video_hflip=0 video_vflip=0 video_bitrate=4500000 video_avc_profile=baseline video_avc_level=4.1 video_qp_min=-1 video_qp_max=-1 video_qp_initial=-1 video_slice_dquant=-1 alsa_dev=hw:1,0 audio_channels=1 audio_sample_rate=48000 audio_bitrate=40000 audio_volume_multiply=5.000000 is_hlsout_enabled=1 is_hls_encryption_enabled=0 hls_keyframes_per_segment=1 hls_number_of_segments=3 hls_encryption_key_uri=stream.key hls_encryption_key=0x75b0a81de17487c88a47507a7e1fdf73 hls_encryption_iv=0x000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f hls_output_dir=/run/shm/hls rtsp_enabled=0 rtsp_video_control_path=/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_videoControl rtsp_audio_control_path=/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_audioControl rtsp_video_data_path=/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_videoData rtsp_audio_data_path=/tmp/node_rtsp_rtmp_audioData tcp_enabled=0 tcp_output_dest=�)N� auto_exposure_enabled=0 auto_exposure_threshold=5.000000 is_vfr_enabled=0 white_balance=auto exposure_control=auto awb_red_gain=0.000000 awb_blue_gain=0.000000 metering=average manual_exposure_compensation=0 exposure_compensation=0.000000 manual_exposure_aperture=0 exposure_aperture=0 manual_exposure_shutter_speed=0 exposure_shutter_speed=0 manual_exposure_sensitivity=0 exposure_sensitivity=0 roi_left=0.000000 roi_top=0.000000 roi_width=1.000000 roi_height=1.000000 min_fps=-1.000000 max_fps=-1.000000 is_timestamp_enabled=1 timestamp_format=%a %b %d %l:%M:%S %p timestamp_layout=15 timestamp_horizontal_margin=10 timestamp_vertical_margin=10 is_timestamp_abs_pos_enabled=0 timestamp_pos_x=0 timestamp_pos_y=0 timestamp_text_align=1 timestamp_font_name=FreeMono:style=Bold timestamp_font_file= timestamp_font_face_index=(null) timestamp_font_points=14.000000 timestamp_font_dpi=96 timestamp_color=ffffff timestamp_stroke_color=000000 timestamp_stroke_width=1 timestamp_letter_spacing=0 is_preview_enabled=0 is_previewrect_enabled=0 preview_x=0 preview_y=0 preview_width=0 preview_height=0 preview_hdmi=0 is_audio_preview_enabled=0 audio_preview_dev=plughw:0,0 record_buffer_keyframes=5 state_dir=state hooks_dir=hooks timestamp_initwith_font_name with font_name=FreeMono:style=Bold opening ALSA device for capture: hw:1,0 final microphone channels: -1 configuring devices Running without preview window Opening camera... [0:09:09.998477433] [1066] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:293 libcamera v0.0.0+3700-f30ad033 [0:09:10.084805819] [1068] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:1368 Registered camera /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 to Unicam device /dev/media3 and ISP device /dev/media0 Acquired camera -856006208 Configuring video... [0:09:10.086533162] [1066] INFO Camera camera.cpp:1029 configuring streams: (0) 1920x1080-YUV420 [0:09:10.087206912] [1068] INFO RPI raspberrypi.cpp:759 Sensor: /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36 - Selected sensor format: 1920x1080-SGBRG10_1X10 - Selected unicam format: 1920x1080-pGAA Camera streams configured Available controls: AeEnable : [false..true] ExposureTime : [118..969249] NoiseReductionMode : [0..4] FrameDurationLimits : [32660..969367] ColourCorrectionMatrix : [-16.000000..16.000000] Saturation : [0.000000..32.000000] AeMeteringMode : [0..3] Contrast : [0.000000..32.000000] ExposureValue : [-8.000000..8.000000] AwbMode : [0..7] AeConstraintMode : [0..3] ScalerCrop : [(0, 0)/64x64..(0, 0)/1928x1080] AnalogueGain : [1.000000..63.937500] ColourGains : [0.000000..32.000000] Brightness : [-1.000000..1.000000] AeExposureMode : [0..3] AwbEnable : [false..true] Sharpness : [0.000000..16.000000] Buffers allocated and mapped preview: startPreview begin preview: startPreview end Video setup complete Opened VideoEncoder on /dev/video11 as fd 26 Got 6 output buffers Got 12 capture buffers Codec streaming started Requests created Using crop P���U cfr frame_time=33333 camera_set_metering_mode: average camera_set_exposure_control: auto camera_set_white_balance: auto strcmp(off,auto)=223 strcmp(custom,auto)=128 strcmp(auto,auto)=0 found enable AWB: 0 camera_set_custom_awb_gains: red=0.0, blue=0.0 Camera started! audio setup sample_rate: 48000 nb_samples: 1024 format: 1 audio_codec_ctx->ch_layout: 548899807632 av_frame->channel_layout: 548899807632 buffer_size=2048 allocated 2048 bytes for audio samples audio_pts_step: 1920 configuring audio capture device audio_sample_rate: 48000 (48000) actual sample rate=48000 dir=0 setting microphone buffer size to 102400 (buffer_size=2048 alsa_buffer_multiply=50) microphone: buffer size: 102400 frames (channels=1 buffer_size=2048 multiply=50) microphone: setting period size to 1024 actual_period_size=1024 dir=0 audio capture device: Hardware PCM card 1 'USB PnP Sound Device' device 0 subdevice 0 Its setup is: stream : CAPTURE access : MMAP_INTERLEAVED format : S16_LE subformat : STD channels : 1 rate : 48000 exact rate : 48000 (48000/1) msbits : 16 buffer_size : 102400 period_size : 1024 period_time : 21333 tstamp_mode : NONE tstamp_type : MONOTONIC period_step : 1 avail_min : 1024 period_event : 0 start_threshold : 1 stop_threshold : 102400 silence_threshold: 0 silence_size : 0 boundary : 7205759403792793600 appl_ptr : 0 hw_ptr : 0 audio device configured [microphone started]capturing started ............................... 31.43 fps k=1 a-v=240 c-a=-32144 u=0 d=0 pts=120720 .............................. 29.96 fps k=2 a-v=-1440 c-a=-30339 u=0 d=0 pts=210720 .............................. 29.80 fps k=3 a-v=720 c-a=-31890 u=0 d=0 pts=300720 .............................. 30.31 fps k=4 a-v=-960 c-a=-31134 u=0 d=0 pts=390720 .............................. 29.90 fps k=5 a-v=-720 c-a=-31076 u=0 d=0 pts=480720 .............................. 29.97 fps k=6 a-v=-480 c-a=-31220 u=0 d=0 pts=570720 .............................. 30.04 fps k=7 a-v=-240 c-a=-31575 u=0 d=0 pts=660720 .............................. 30.05 fps k=8 a-v=-1920 c-a=-30044 u=0 d=0 pts=750720 .............................. 29.99 fps k=9 a-v=-1680 c-a=-30238 u=0 d=0 pts=840720 .............................. 30.08 fps k=10 a-v=-1440 c-a=-30709 u=0 d=0 pts=930720 .............................. 29.97 fps k=11 a-v=-1200 c-a=-30842 u=0 d=0 pts=1020720 .............................. 30.01 fps k=12 a-v=-960 c-a=-31108 u=0 d=0 pts=1110720 .............................. 30.05 fps k=13 a-v=-2640 c-a=-29581 u=0 d=0 pts=1200720 .............................. 30.01 fps k=14 a-v=-2400 c-a=-29829 u=0 d=0 pts=1290720 .............................. 30.07 fps k=15 a-v=-2160 c-a=-30281 u=0 d=0 pts=1380720 .............................. 30.03 fps k=16 a-v=-1920 c-a=-30590 u=0 d=0 pts=1470720 .............................. 29.68 fps k=17 a-v=-1680 c-a=-29848 u=0 d=0 pts=1560720 .............................. 30.35 fps k=18 a-v=-3360 c-a=-29195 u=0 d=0 pts=1650720 .............................. 29.75 fps k=19 a-v=-1200 c-a=-30590 u=0 d=0 pts=1740720 .............................. 29.99 fps k=20 a-v=-2880 c-a=-28871 u=0 d=0 pts=1830720 ...............stop requested (signal=2) .Halting StopCamera Camera stopped! VideoEncoder closed stopAudioThread begin joining audio thread joined audio thread teardown_audio_capture_device stopAudioThread end stopRecThread begin stopRecThread end stop_watching_hooks pthread_join hooks_thread shutdown successful Closing Libcamera application (preview frames displayed 617, dropped 0 StopCamera Camera stopped! preview: stopPreview begin preview: stopPreview end Tearing down requests, buffers and configuration Camera closed

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

@jmarshall120 Are you able to record audio from the microphone with the arecord command?

jmarshall120 commented 2 years ago

Yep, able to get an audio recording using arecord --format=S16_LE --rate=48100 --file-type=wav out.wav

I've tried with 16000 too which also works (quality varies of course).

Thanks so much for your continued help!

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

Regarding arecord command, --rate=48000 work as well?

jmarshall120 commented 2 years ago

Yep, all bit rates appear to work, just the quality is bad but I believe that's just the USB microphone.

Maybe time for a fresh Raspian install and go from scratch again?

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

@jmarshall120 Hmm, I don't know if starting over from scratch will solve the problem. Does it record audio when recorded with the following command while picam is running?

touch hooks/start_record && sleep 10 && touch hooks/stop_record

Recorded files will be created in the rec/archive/ directory.

jmarshall120 commented 2 years ago

@iizukanao Sorry for my slow response. Yes, that command does create a file that I can play back.

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

@jmarshall120 Hmm, I have no idea why only HLS does not work. If you could provide the SD card image, I might be able to look into it.

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

My apologies. I have confirmed that this issue occurs on 64-bit OS. I will be fixing this issue soon.

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

This bug has been fixed in version 2.0.4.

jmarshall120 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for all your hard work!

iizukanao commented 2 years ago

Thank you for letting me know the issue!