Open FayazMaacolony opened 5 years ago
I did not understand what is exactly MEMBER TYPE in the profile page. If you do not mind, can you share detailed WEB screen and comment on this ?
Rajeswari, Use below API to get the MEMBER TYPE data from the "MemberTypeCodeID" Key.
{ "UserID": 15, "Email": "", "UserName": null, "SessionID": null, "Profile": { "Member": { "GCHouseMemberID": 14, "FirstName": "Kiran", "LastName": "Ramana", "MiddleName": null, "FullName": "Ramana Kiran ", "MemberTypeCodeID": 59, "Email": "", "CountryCodeID": 76, "CountryCode": "", "PhoneNumber": null, "RelationTypeCodeID": 0, "RelationType": "", "UserID": 0, "GCUserID": 11, "ParentMemberID": 14, "IsEmailChanged": false, "IsDependent": false, "Name": "Ramana Kiran ", "FormattedPhoneNumber": "", "EffectiveDate": null, "RoleType": "Owner" },
Dear Fayaz,
Currently, we are receiving "MEMBER TYPE" field & key in the given request and response object. But we are receiving "MemberTypeCodeID": 0. can you please explain the importance of this & we request "MEMBER TYPE" as text in the API server. For this reason, I am forwarding this bug to SERVER team.
API Box:- { "Member": { "GCHouseMemberID": 19, "FirstName": "Akram", "LastName": "Ahammad", "MiddleName": "Shaik", "FullName": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "MemberTypeCodeID": 0, "Email": "", "CountryCodeID": 76, "CountryCode": "+91", "PhoneNumber": "9999988888", "RelationTypeCodeID": 0, "RelationType": "", "UserID": 0, "GCUserID": 54, "ParentMemberID": 19, "IsEmailChanged": false, "IsDependent": false, "Name": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "FormattedPhoneNumber": "+91- 9999988888", "EffectiveDate": null, "RoleType": "President" }, "CoResidents": [], "Addresses": [ { "GCHouseMemberID": 0, "AddressID": 18, "AddressTypeCodeID": 86, "AddressTypeCode": "Current", "AddressLine1": "21, lakeridge Homes", "AddressLine2": "behind praneeth", "CityCodeID": 90, "CityCode": "Vijayawada", "StateCodeID": 87, "StateCode": "Andhra", "CountryCodeID": 91, "CountryCode": "India", "PostalCode": "500044", "StartDate": "2018-11-11T00:00:00", "EndDate": null, "IsCopy": false }, { "GCHouseMemberID": 0, "AddressID": 19, "AddressTypeCodeID": 85, "AddressTypeCode": "Permanent", "AddressLine1": "21, lakeridge Homes", "AddressLine2": "behind praneeth", "CityCodeID": 90, "CityCode": "Vijayawada", "StateCodeID": 87, "StateCode": "Andhra", "CountryCodeID": 91, "CountryCode": "India", "PostalCode": "500044", "StartDate": "2018-11-11T00:00:00", "EndDate": null, "IsCopy": false } ], "Roles": [ { "RoleID": 10, "GCHouseMemberID": 19, "MemberName": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "GCRoleID": 1, "GCRoleCode": "Owner", "GCRoleGroupID": 1, "GCRoleGroupCode": "Owners Group", "BeginDate": "2018-07-19T00:00:00", "EndDate": null, "AccessRights": null }, { "RoleID": 12, "GCHouseMemberID": 19, "MemberName": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "GCRoleID": 5, "GCRoleCode": "Treasurer", "GCRoleGroupID": 3, "GCRoleGroupCode": "Executive Committe", "BeginDate": "2018-07-20T23:26:09", "EndDate": null, "AccessRights": null }, { "RoleID": 14, "GCHouseMemberID": 19, "MemberName": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "GCRoleID": 6, "GCRoleCode": "Secretary", "GCRoleGroupID": 3, "GCRoleGroupCode": "Executive Committe", "BeginDate": "2018-07-23T12:25:06", "EndDate": null, "AccessRights": null }, { "RoleID": 17, "GCHouseMemberID": 19, "MemberName": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "GCRoleID": 3, "GCRoleCode": "President", "GCRoleGroupID": 3, "GCRoleGroupCode": "Executive Committe", "BeginDate": "2018-11-11T00:00:00", "EndDate": null, "AccessRights": null }, { "RoleID": 21, "GCHouseMemberID": 19, "MemberName": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "GCRoleID": 2, "GCRoleCode": "Tenant", "GCRoleGroupID": 2, "GCRoleGroupCode": "Tenants Group", "BeginDate": "2018-08-29T00:00:00", "EndDate": "2018-08-31T00:00:00", "AccessRights": null } ], "Attributes": [ { "AttributeID": 14, "AttributeMemberID": 19, "AttributeMember": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "TypeCodeID": 93, "TypeCode": "Aadhar Card", "Attribute": "akypm3473b", "FilesUploaded": null }, { "AttributeID": 15, "AttributeMemberID": 19, "AttributeMember": "Ahammad Akram Shaik", "TypeCodeID": 97, "TypeCode": "Voter ID", "Attribute": "AKYPM34543", "FilesUploaded": null } ] }
Member Type (to be renamed as Role(s)) has to be derived based on the current active roles assigned to the user. For example, if the user has two Roles ("Owner" & "President") , both of these to be displayed with comma seperated or break line..whatever is convenient to display in mobile
As per our Skype discussions, it's not possible in the Version - 1.0 Please check from your end. Please cross-check the profile successfully uploading / not.
User Profile-Need to display Member type field