ijgnd / anki__BetterSearch

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Error on launching Anki #9

Closed jamiekoi closed 4 years ago

jamiekoi commented 4 years ago


Last update of the addon (27/04/2020) and I get this error message when I launch Anki. I am running Anki 2.1.23 on MacOS Catalina (latest). Here's how it happens:

An error occurred. Please start Anki while holding down the shift key, which will temporarily disable the add-ons you have installed.
If the issue only occurs when add-ons are enabled, please use the Tools > Add-ons menu item to disable some add-ons and restart Anki, repeating until you discover the add-on that is causing the problem.
When you've discovered the add-on that is causing the problem, please report the issue on the add-on support site.
Debug info:
Anki 2.1.23 (de9543ff) Python 3.8.0 Qt 5.13.1 PyQt 5.14.1
Platform: Mac 10.15.4
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=?
Add-ons, last update check: 2020-04-27 12:49:56
Add-ons possibly involved: ⁨Browser Search Box Quick Insert Tag Deck Notetype⁩

Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "aqt/addons.py", line 208, in loadAddons
  File "/Users/jamiekoi/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1052724801/__init__.py", line 426

from anki.hooks import wrap, addHook
from anki.utils import pointVersion

import aqt
from aqt.browser import Browser
from aqt.qt import *
from aqt.utils import getText, showCritical
from aqt.dyndeckconf import DeckConf

from .config import conf_to_key, gc, shiftdown, ctrldown, altdown, metadown
from .fuzzy_panel import FilterDialog

def dyn_setup_search(self):
DeckConf.initialSetup = wrap(DeckConf.initialSetup, dyn_setup_search)

def onDynSetupSearchEditTextChange(self, arg):
    parent = self
    parent_is_browser = False
    lineedit = self.sender()  # https://stackoverflow.com/a/33981172
    mw = self.mw
    col = self.mw.col
    onSearchEditTextChange(parent, parent_is_browser, lineedit, mw, col, arg)
DeckConf.onDynSetupSearchEditTextChange = onDynSetupSearchEditTextChange

tup = None
def check_for_advancedBrowser():
    global tup
        a = __import__("874215009").advancedbrowser.core.AdvancedBrowser
        tup = Browser
        tup = (a, Browser)
addHook("profileLoaded", check_for_advancedBrowser)

def mysearch(self):
Browser.setupSearch = wrap(Browser.setupSearch,mysearch)

def onBrowserSearchEditTextChange(self, arg):
    parent = self
    parent_is_browser = True
    lineedit = self.form.searchEdit.lineEdit()
    mw = self.mw
    col = self.col
    dialogclosed = onSearchEditTextChange(parent, parent_is_browser, lineedit, mw, col, arg)
    if dialogclosed and dialogclosed[1]:
Browser.onBrowserSearchEditTextChange = onBrowserSearchEditTextChange

def decknames(col, also_include_filtered):
    decks = col.decks.allNames(dyn=also_include_filtered)
    # also_include_filtered only True in the browser but not in the Create Filtered Deck dialog
    # Filtered decks can't include filtered decks so I don't want "filtered" for those.
    if also_include_filtered:  
        decks += ["filtered"]
    return sorted(decks)

def tags(col):
    tags = col.tags.all() + ["none"]
    return sorted(tags)

def overrides():
    # 4 Modifiers = 4 Overrides
    #   SHIFT: override autosearch default
    #   META : override add * default  # originally Ctrl 
    #   ALT  : negate
    #   CTRL : insert current text only : already used in dialog
    lineonly = False
    if conf_to_key[gc("modifier for insert current text only")]():
        lineonly = True
    override_autosearch_default = False
    if conf_to_key[gc("modifier for override autosearch default")]():
        override_autosearch_default = True
    override_add_star = False
    if conf_to_key[gc("modifier for override add * default")]():
        override_add_star = True
    negate = False
    if conf_to_key[gc("modifier for negate")]():
        negate = True
    # print(f"ctrl - lineonly is {lineonly}")
    # print(f"shift - override_autosearch_default is {override_autosearch_default}")
    # print(f"meta - override_add_star is {override_add_star}")
    # print(f"alt - negate is {negate}")
    return lineonly, override_autosearch_default, override_add_star, negate

def onSearchEditTextChange(parent, parent_is_browser, lineedit, mw, col, arg):
    le = lineedit
    vals = False
    c1 = gc("custom tag&deck string 1", "")
    xx1 = c1 and arg[-len(c1):] == c1
    c2 = gc("custom tag&deck string 2", "")
    xx2 = c2 and arg[-len(c2):] == c2
    # vals = (remove some characters from the right of searchboxstring, 
    #         InsertSpaceAtPos, 
    #         UseFilterDialogKey(orValue),
    #         ListForFilterDialog)
    if arg[-4:] == "tag:":
        if gc("modify_tag"):
            vals = (False, -4, True, tags(col))
        allowstar = True
    elif arg[-5:] == "note:":
        if gc("modify_note"):
            vals = (False, -5, True, col.models.allNames())
        allowstar = False if pointVersion() < 24 else True
    elif arg[-5:] == "card:":
        if gc("modify_card"):
            cards = set()
            for m in col.models.all():
                for t in m['tmpls']:
            vals = (False, -5, True, cards)
        allowstar = False if pointVersion() < 24 else True      
    elif arg == "cfn:":  # cards from note
        d = {}
        for m in col.models.all():
            modelname = m['name']
            for t in m['tmpls']:
                d[t['name'] + " (" + modelname + ")"] = t['name']
        vals = (False, -4, False, d)
        allowstar = False
    elif arg[-5:] == "deck:":
        if gc("modify_deck"):
            vals = (False, -5, True, decknames(col, parent_is_browser))
        allowstar = True
    elif xx1:
        alltags = ["tag:" + t for t in tags(col)]
        decks = ["deck:" + d  for d in decknames(col, parent_is_browser)]
        vals = (-len(c1), 0, True, alltags + decks)
        allowstar = True
    elif xx2:
        alltags = ["tag:" + t for t in tags(col)]
        decks = ["deck:" + d  for d in decknames(col, parent_is_browser)]
        vals = (-len(c2), 0, True, alltags + decks)
        allowstar = True
    if vals:
        if gc("autoadjust FilterDialog position", True):
            adjPos = True
            adjPos = False
        d = FilterDialog(parent=parent, parent_is_browser=parent_is_browser, values=vals[3], adjPos=adjPos, allowstar=allowstar)
        if d.exec():
            # print('###############################')
            lineonly, override_autosearch_default, override_add_star, negate = overrides()
            if d.lineonly:
                lineonly = True
            # print(f"d.selkey is {d.selkey}")
            # print(f"d.inputline is {d.inputline}")
            # print(f"d.selvalue is {d.selvalue}")
            # print(f"lineonly is {lineonly}")
            # print(f"allowstar is {allowstar}")
            if negate or d.neg:
                neg = "-"
                neg = ""

            if not vals[0]:
                t = le.text()
                n = vals[1]
                # multiple runs of insert_helper are still separated by spaces and in other 
                # situations this makes the search more readable
                # make sure that "-" remains in front of terms like deck
                if len(t[:n]) > 0 and t[:n][-1] == "-":
                    b = t[:n-1] + "  -" + t[n:]
                    b = t[:n] + "  " + neg + t[n:]  
                b = neg + le.text()[:vals[0]]
            # print(f"b is:  {b}")

            if not vals[2]:  # only True for cfn, allowstar is always wrong: quick workaround finish here
                mycard = d.selvalue
                mynote = d.selkey.lstrip(d.selvalue)[1:-1]
                mysearch = f'''("card:{mycard}" and "note:{mynote}")'''
                already_in_line = b[:-4]  # substract cfn:
                le.setText(already_in_line + mysearch)
                return (True, override_autosearch_default)
                sel = d.selkey
            # print(f"sel is {sel}")
            if lineonly and allowstar:
                if xx1 or xx2:
                    # I need to add tag or deck
                    if d.selkey.startswith("tag:"):
                        sel = "tag:" + d.inputline
                        sel = "deck:" + d.inputline
                    sel = d.inputline
            # maybe add '*' to match other deeper nested hierarchical tags
            if sel in ["none", "filtered", "tag:none", "deck:filtered"]:
            elif arg[-4:] == "tag:":
                if allowstar and (gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "all" or d.addstar) and not override_add_star:
                    sel = sel + '*'
                elif allowstar and gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "if_has_subtags" or d.addstar and not override_add_star:
                    other_subtags_matched = []
                    selplus = sel + "::"
                    for e in vals[3]:
                        if e.startswith(selplus):
                    if other_subtags_matched:
                        sel = sel + '*'
            # in 2.1.24 card: and note: can also use *
            elif arg[-5:] == "card:":
                if allowstar and (gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "all" or d.addstar) and not override_add_star:
                    sel = sel + '*'
            elif arg[-5:] == "note:":          
                if allowstar and (gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "all" or d.addstar) and not override_add_star:
                    sel = sel + '*'
            # ugly fix for xx etc.
            elif (c1 and arg[-len(c1):] == c1) or (c2 and arg[-len(c2):] == c2):
                if allowstar and gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "all" and not override_add_star:
                    sel = sel + '*'
            elif allowstar and arg[-5:] == "deck:" and gc("modify_deck"):
                 if d.addstar and not override_add_star:
                     sel = sel + '*'
            le.setText(b + '"' + sel + '"')
            return (True, override_autosearch_default)  # shiftmod toggle default search trigger setting 

# doesn't work: when I press cancel the dialog is opened once more and if I cancel val remains
# in the search bar
# def insert_helper(self, val):
#     l = self.form.searchEdit.lineEdit()
#     if l.text() == self._searchPrompt:
#         l.setText(val)
#     else:
#         l.setText(l.text() + val)
#     mod = self.mw.app.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier
#     if gc("shortcuts trigger search by default"):
#         if not mod:
#             self.onSearchActivated()
#     else:
#         if mod:
#             self.onSearchActivated()

# TODO maybe remerge with onSearchEditTextChange 
def _insert_helper(self, arg):
    le = self.form.searchEdit.lineEdit()
    # vals = (insert arg into searchboxstring, 
    #         UseFilterDialogKey(False means Value),
    #         ListForFilterDialog)
    if arg == "tag:":
        vals = (True, True, tags(self.col))
        allowstar = True
    elif arg == "note:":
        vals = (True, True, self.col.models.allNames())
        allowstar = False if pointVersion() < 24 else True
    elif arg == "card:":
        cards = set()
        for m in self.col.models.all():
            for t in m['tmpls']:
        vals = (True, True, cards)
        allowstar = False if pointVersion() < 24 else True      
    elif arg == "cfn:":
        d = {}
        for m in self.col.models.all():
            modelname = m['name']
            for t in m['tmpls']:
                d[t['name'] + " (" + modelname + ")"] = t['name']
        vals = (True, False, d)
        allowstar = False
    elif arg == "deck:":
        vals = (True, True, decknames(self.col, True))
        allowstar = True
    elif arg == "xx":
        alltags = ["tag:" + t for t in tags(self.col)]
        decks = ["deck:" + d  for d in decknames(self.col, True)]
        vals = (False, True, alltags + decks)
        allowstar = True
    if gc("autoadjust FilterDialog position", True):
        adjPos = True
        adjPos = False
    d = FilterDialog(parent=self, parent_is_browser=True, values=vals[2], adjPos=adjPos, allowstar=allowstar)
    if d.exec():
        lineonly, override_autosearch_default, override_add_star, negate = overrides()
        if d.lineonly:
            lineonly = True

        t = le.text()
        # clear preset text if necessary
        if t == self._searchPrompt:
            t = ""
        if vals[1]:
            sel = d.selkey
            sel = d.selvalue
        if lineonly and allowstar:
            if arg == "xx":
                # I need to add tag or deck
                if d.selkey.startswith("tag:"):
                    sel = "tag:" + d.inputline
                    sel = "deck:" + d.inputline
                sel = d.inputline
        # maybe add '*' to match other deeper nested hierarchical tags
        if sel in ["none", "filtered", "tag:none", "deck:filtered"]:
        elif arg == "tag:":
            if allowstar and (gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "all" or d.addstar) and not override_add_star:
                sel = sel + '*'
            elif allowstar and gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "if_has_subtags" or d.addstar and not override_add_star:
                other_subtags_matched = []
                selplus = sel + "::"
                for e in vals[2]:
                    if e.startswith(selplus):
                if other_subtags_matched:
                    sel = sel + '*'
        elif allowstar and arg == "deck:" and gc("modify_deck"):
            if d.addstar and not override_add_star:
                sel = sel + '*'
        # in 2.1.24 card: and note: can also use *
        elif arg == "card:":
            if allowstar and (gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "all" or d.addstar) and not override_add_star:
                sel = sel + '*'
        elif arg == "note:":          
            if allowstar and (gc("tag insertion - add '*' to matches") == "all" or d.addstar) and not override_add_star:
                sel = sel + '*'
        # ugly fix for xx etc.
        elif allowstar and arg == "xx" and gc("modify_deck"):
            if d.addstar and not override_add_star:
                sel = sel + '*'

        if negate or d.neg:
            neg = "-"
            neg = ""
        if vals[0]:
            nt = t + "  " + neg + arg + '"' + sel + '"'
            nt = t + "  " + neg +       '"' + sel + '"'
        return override_autosearch_default

def insert_helper(self, arg):
    override_autosearch_default = _insert_helper(self, arg)
    # shiftmod toggle default search trigger setting 
    if gc("shortcuts trigger search by default"):
        if not override_autosearch_default:
        if override_autosearch_default:

def setupMenu(browser):
    c1 = gc("shortcut - focus search box and card selector dialog")
    if c1:
        a = QShortcut(QKeySequence(c1), browser)
        a.activated.connect(lambda b=browser: insert_helper(b, "card:"))
    c2 = gc("shortcut - focus search box and note selector dialog")
    if c2:
        b = QShortcut(QKeySequence(c2), browser)
        b.activated.connect(lambda b=browser: insert_helper(b, "note:"))
    c3 = gc("shortcut - focus search box and tag selector dialog")
    if c3:
        c = QShortcut(QKeySequence(c3), browser)
        c.activated.connect(lambda b=browser: insert_helper(b, "tag:"))
    c4 = gc("shortcut - focus search box and tag/deck selector dialog")
    if c4:
        d = QShortcut(QKeySequence(c4), browser)
        d.activated.connect(lambda b=browser: insert_helper(b, "xx"))
    c5 = gc("shortcut - focus search box and deck selector dialog")
    if c5:
        e = QShortcut(QKeySequence(c5), browser)
        e.activated.connect(lambda b=browser: insert_helper(b, "deck:"))
addHook("browser.setupMenus", setupMenu)

SyntaxError: EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "aqt/main.py", line 942, in closeEvent
  File "aqt/main.py", line 408, in unloadProfileAndExit
  File "aqt/main.py", line 380, in unloadProfile
  File "aqt/main.py", line 861, in maybe_auto_sync_media
AttributeError: 'ProfileManager' object has no attribute 'profile'
ijgnd commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for this report!!

The upload from 2 hours ago had a fatal typo. I just reuploaded it. Could you update and try again?

After I close the error info I get to the profile choser. Then I can open Anki normally and as usual update all my add-ons from the add-on dialog.

jamiekoi commented 4 years ago

Thank you for lightening speed response and action! I've just updated it and it is now fixed