ijkguo / mx-rcnn

Parallel Faster R-CNN implementation with MXNet.
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ImportError: No module named bbox #75

Closed tianhaijie closed 6 years ago

tianhaijie commented 6 years ago

@precedenceguo Hi,It's a very job!However,wehn I try to: python train_end2end.py --network resnet --gpu 3 It show me a error like this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "train_end2end.py", line 8, in from rcnn.symbol import File "/data1/NLPRMNT/fujun/tianhj/mx-rcnn/rcnn/symbol/init.py", line 1, in from symbol_vgg import File "/data1/NLPRMNT/fujun/tianhj/mx-rcnn/rcnn/symbol/symbol_vgg.py", line 2, in import proposal File "/data1/NLPRMNT/fujun/tianhj/mx-rcnn/rcnn/symbol/proposal.py", line 12, in from rcnn.processing.bbox_transform import bbox_pred, clip_boxes File "/data1/NLPRMNT/fujun/tianhj/mx-rcnn/rcnn/processing/bbox_transform.py", line 2, in from ..cython.bbox import bbox_overlaps_cython ImportError: No module named bbox I dont know how this happen.........And I base on MXNet@(commit 62ecb60)

kevin0048 commented 6 years ago

Have you built cython successfully? In my mind, when I make mxnet and opencv3 in source( use make or cmake, not pip install xxx), everything is fine.

veeableful commented 6 years ago

I did make but later found out it requires python2 so I edited the Makefile to use python2 instead of python. That's because my python is linked to python3. Doing that fixed the problem for me.

taurenexcrement commented 6 years ago

Same problem here, I've built cython properly.

ijkguo commented 6 years ago

Check rcnn/cython/bbox.so exists or disable cython completely as in dev branch.

ijkguo commented 6 years ago

Cython module removed.