ijpb / MorphoLibJ

Collection of mathematical morphology methods and plugins for ImageJ
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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closing close to image boundary #73

Closed tischi closed 1 year ago

tischi commented 1 year ago


please see here: https://forum.image.sc/t/morphological-closing-close-to-image-boundaries/74543

dlegland commented 1 year ago


the behaviour is to replicate pixels values when close to border. Thius was chosen to avoid "shrinking" regions that touch the border.

I think other conventions could be used as well, but i am not sure a universal one is possible...

A quick workaround is to pad image with a brder. There is a plugin "Add Border" in MLJ.

hope this helps?

dlegland commented 1 year ago

fixed in MorphoLibJ 1.6.0 (commit 295e8946f5ccb4d5bedc38b210cd90d6771e2cfa