On page 56 you warn against using special characters between double backticks
WARNING: If you use the double backtick naming style, do not use any odd chars like
[,|-;.]. These used in test names causes the ionide extension to crash. [Correct: 2022-05-20]
However, later you use hyphens in test names which crash VS Code, at least for me:
Page 75:
let ``when product exists in non-empty order`` () =
// [...]
Page 77:
let ``should do nothing for non-existant productid`` () =
// [...]
I'm currently on page 77, so there might appear more test names with a hyphen later in the book.
Removing each hyphen resolves the issue, which is great!
Hi Ian,
On page 56 you warn against using special characters between double backticks
However, later you use hyphens in test names which crash VS Code, at least for me:
Page 75:
Page 77:
I'm currently on page 77, so there might appear more test names with a hyphen later in the book.
Removing each hyphen resolves the issue, which is great!