ijyliu / ECMA-31330-Project

Econometrics and Machine Learning Group Project
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Simplified_PCA_Simulation.ipynb Discussion #27

Closed paul-opheim closed 3 years ago

paul-opheim commented 3 years ago


paul-opheim commented 3 years ago
nicomarto commented 3 years ago

I would not worry about the sign, there are two things we have to keep in mind in classical measurement error:

  1. Attenuation bias shrinkages the coefficient towards zero, then we should care about absolute values
  2. This also means that the true coefficient and the biased one have the same sign. So I would just calculate the mean of the absolute value of coefficients estimated according to our proposed method, and then impute the sign find in the biased coefficient
ijyliu commented 3 years ago

No, the sign is a real problem because Paul and I have been setting the beta to 1 in our simulations.

If we are going to do that absolute value procedure it has to be justified...

ijyliu commented 3 years ago

Doing PCA on covariates now, issue no longer applies