ijyliu / ECMA-31330-Project

Econometrics and Machine Learning Group Project
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Defense Spending #8

Closed ijyliu closed 3 years ago

ijyliu commented 3 years ago


We could look at spillovers in defense spending between countries using the LASSO (like the R&D spillovers model) and potentially also PCA/Factor methods.

A hypothesis is that spending in neighboring countries increases local spending. Yet another hypothesis is that ideological differences/alignment are somehow related.


In the literature, the main approach appears to be spatial autoregression: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0176268017301581 . I haven't seen anything using machine learning methods, even though I flipped through 10 Google Scholar pages. Though, here's a triple LASSO involving military spending but the question is different (it's looking at the fiscal multiplier): https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3819192


Given our two hypotheses, I think we could provide an interesting generalization by not imposing/assuming that the model is fully spatial... I mean, the US and China and the UK and Russia aren't exactly neighbors, here there's an ideological driver. But we will still be using sparsity/trying to make a parsimonious model.

In addition to the general LASSO, we could also do a factor/PCA regression (maybe using stuff in VDem) and see if we can construct a geographic, and ideological factor. Maybe we can even see if these factors change over time- from the Cold War to 9/11 to US-China rivalry...

As yet another potential direction, we could go into textual data analysis: UN resolutions or NATO statements or something? Text data might allow for another look at an ideological dimension/other dimensions not easily ascertainable from the numbers. Here is UN voting data, which I think could be ideological: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/file.xhtml?fileId=4624867&version=28.0


Here's all the defense spending data: https://www.sipri.org/databases/milex : I already downloaded it and put it on the Box. VDem has so much usable data that we could probably even get at heterogeneity in spillover effects- under what circumstances does a neighbor's civil war, etc. lead to more spending? Are effects stronger/weaker for ethnic conflicts, for example?


I wonder if sparsity/dimension reduction is wise in this case. It seems like NATO or the US or USSR could have influence on the spending of a lot of countries. Then again, based off the patent example discussed in class, that's not a problem; we don't have issues if one country affects a lot of others, only if all countries are affected by a lot of countries.

For the LASSO: we don't really have a dependent variable? ie, we would be examining the relationship between a country's defense spending and that of all the other countries. Versus the R&D case, where there was something else effected by all the other firms. Maybe this means more focus should be placed on PCA/factors.

ijyliu commented 3 years ago

Main results here: https://github.com/ijyliu/ECMA-31330-Project/blob/main/Release/Defense_Spending.pdf

There are also some LASSO results here: https://github.com/ijyliu/ECMA-31330-Project/blob/main/Output/Regressions/LASSO_Country_Coeff_Values.csv

It kind of seems like they might all be noise, no clear patterns based on a clear inspection. That's probably because each individual LASSO only includes 25 observations/time periods. I made that restriction to make sure we include all of the other country variables for each country. But we can relax it to bump up the sample size.

ijyliu commented 3 years ago

Something else to check: arm sales

Merge in democratization data from vdem to check ideology?

Random thought: we could also look at cyber warfare, seems like that might not be determined by geography

ijyliu commented 3 years ago

Network- is sparsity a good approach?

Is there a low dimension object?

It is not uncommon to do the individual country regressions.

Sparsity book by Tibshirani.

Run Monte Carlos on the few-observation groups.