ijyliu / computer-vision-project

Using classical and neural image embeddings and finetuned end-to-end networks to achieve top-tier performance on a vehicle type classification task. Containerized and deployed model as a web app
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Using AutoML for Hyperparameter Search and Ensembling #8

Open ijyliu opened 4 months ago

ijyliu commented 4 months ago

I wonder if this is allowed. We would still specify the algorithms and features allowed, obviously, but might use AutoML to automatically pick hyperparameters and ensemble methods together.

It seems like using this on a cloud platform could provide valuable experience.

ijyliu commented 3 months ago

Use autogluon

ijyliu commented 2 months ago

code is setup and model was fit but predictions are not saved

but anyway, the important thing was feature importance. the results show that all features are valuable.