ika-rwth-aachen / MultiCorrupt

MultiCorrupt: A benchmark for robust multi-modal 3D object detection, evaluating LiDAR-Camera fusion models in autonomous driving. Includes diverse corruption types (e.g., misalignment, miscalibration, weather) and severity levels. Assess model performance under challenging conditions.
MIT License
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Issues testing with the nuscenes mini : "This mmdetection3d version is not supported." #10

Open zarathacia opened 1 week ago

zarathacia commented 1 week ago

I am encountering the following error:

This mmdetection3d version is not supported.


This error occurs when I run the following command:

python3 converter/lidar_converter.py --corruption snow --root_folder /workspaces/MultiCorrupt/data/nuscenes/v1.0-mini --dst_folder /workspaces/multicorrupt/snow/3/ --severity 3 --n_cpus 64 --sweep true


Do you have any recommendations on how to resolve this issue? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

TillBeemelmanns commented 5 days ago

I have not tested nuscenes mini. Can you please try to use the full nuscenes version ?

I will be able to test/debug nuscenes mini earliest next week.

Best, Till