ikalchev / HAP-python

A python implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP)
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GStreamer Command for Raspberry Pi Zero + PiCam #403

Open ganonp opened 2 years ago

ganonp commented 2 years ago

The ffmpeg command is way too resource intensive for Raspberry Pi Zero + PiCam. However, I was able to get it working using a gstreamer command:

"gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! video/x-h264, width={width},height={height},framerate={fps}/1 ! h264parse ! rtph264pay pt=99 ssrc={v_ssrc} ! srtpenc key={v_srtp_key} rtp-cipher=\"aes-128-icm\" rtp-auth=\"hmac-sha1-80\" ! udpsink sync=false host={address} port={v_port}"


ganonp commented 2 years ago

Shameless plug:
