ikarago / Notepad

A Fluent-style Notepad-application because Microsoft doesn't make it.
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Exit dialog should be an extension of Unsaved Changes dialog #53

Open prayaas-a opened 4 years ago

prayaas-a commented 4 years ago

In the Win32 Notepad, when you click on the X icon to close the window, you are asked if you would like to save the changes, not whether you'd like to discard them. Save is the default, highlighted option. This is similar to what this app shows when you try to create a new document while one is in progress. The exit confirmation dialog should be more similar to that. It should just be the Unsaved Changes dialog with the extra text, "before you exit".

If you want, I can make this change.

ikarago commented 4 years ago

Feel free to tackle this one. 😊

The way the Exit dialog is currently set up is that it'll be called by the App.xaml.cs itself and not by the ViewModel in control of the TextDataModel. (which contains the info of the document).

This makes the app in its current config unaware of the data and commands in the ViewModel, so it might take quite some work to get the result of the called UnsavedDialog back to the ViewModel that contains all info and call the save function from there.

Hope this info can give you a head start of where to look for it. 😉