ikarth / game-boy-rom-generator

Game Boy ROM Generator
MIT License
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Answer three questions about the project #125

Open ikarth opened 3 years ago

ikarth commented 3 years ago

Write your thoughts here. We'll discuss the presentations more in week 7.

The questions to answer:

  1. What is the broader motivation for the work?
    1. Often related to the first paragraph of the project description
    2. Also say how the SIP group's work fits into the project
  2. What you actually did (tasks carried out)
  3. What did you find? Results, trends, graphs, etc.
ikarth commented 3 years ago

Note that you don't need to overthink this: this issue is more for brainstorming answers than for showing that you know the answer. (I don't have an answer to some of these yet.)