ikarus-project / ikarus

Ikarus is a C++-based library that uses DUNE modules to solve partial differential equations with the finite element method and more.
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Presentation #28

Closed rath3t closed 2 years ago

rath3t commented 2 years ago
  1. Grid, GridView, GridEntities vorstellen, reference elements
  2. Global Basis , Ansatzfunctions not equal shape functions


  1. Was ist das Integration element?
  2. Lösung für falsche Integration?
  3. Ausblick intersection
rath3t commented 2 years ago
  1. Grid entities intersection, pi integrieren
  2. OneDgrid --> skalare Basis + Power Basis + 1D Dehnstab+ Timoshenko Balken
  3. 2dTruss --> tut2_byhand --> tut2_short
  4. Kirchhoff-Love Platte --> Iga + skalare Basis
  5. 2D Solid--> Verschiedene Gitter für eine Elementformulierung (Iga,sutrkturiert, unstrukturiert)
  6. Reissner-Mindlin Platte -->
  7. Verschiebungs, druck, 2D solid --> composite basis und indizierung
  8. How to implement elements?
  9. Tooling --> Matplotlib, Autodiff, Eigen, Dokumentation, Lokale Anzeigen und bearbeiten der Dokumentation
  10. Git runner, test kompilieren, neuen test schreiben
  11. Observer pattern, NonlinearSolver, Controlroutines
  12. Clion Code with Me
  13. Discontinuous galerkin 2D solid
  14. Dynamik
  15. Randbedingungen Dirichlet, Neumann
  16. Contact
  17. Mehrere Grids gleichzeitig kopplung von grids und basen dune-grid-glue
  18. How integrate pi correctly
  19. How to use input files