To allow users to provide their user status, I wan't to use a generic
interface model. The expected data structure is as follows:
(string) user > (int) year > (int) day > (bool) available
The interface, as such has to consist of the following elements.
Simplest form:
textbox for name;
int-box for year;
day -> availability mapping (intbox/bool) per day
There are some rules that have to be applied, we can put this into
a prioritized ruleset. Such as:
prune-weekend-days: # assumes 6 and 7 are sat, sun
- {weekday}%7>0
- {weekday}%7<6
- remove
- *
- set_true # or set_data: false
- {weekday}%7=1
- set_false # or set_data: false
Now formatting rules? Each unique output results in a new cluster?
- year
- int({weekday}/7)
We could do something like
1 create normal data: defined by global setting?
2 apply rules
3 apply clustering
4 transform to HTML
To allow users to provide their user status, I wan't to use a generic interface model. The expected data structure is as follows: (string) user > (int) year > (int) day > (bool) available The interface, as such has to consist of the following elements. Simplest form: textbox for name; int-box for year; day -> availability mapping (intbox/bool) per day
There are some rules that have to be applied, we can put this into a prioritized ruleset. Such as:
Now formatting rules? Each unique output results in a new cluster?
We could do something like
1 create normal data: defined by global setting? 2 apply rules 3 apply clustering 4 transform to HTML