ike / indie-comments

an independent, distributed comment system based on IPFS
MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link

Architecture approach #4

Open ike opened 9 years ago

ike commented 9 years ago


That's the direction I am currently headed in. Would love feedback if that's ill-advised. (espesh @diasdavid)

jbenet commented 9 years ago

i'd really try hard to make it all in the browser. use pub/private keypairs to sign the data so people cant tamper with it.

daviddias commented 9 years ago

My advice is to do 'Reads from browser directly from IPFS' and 'writes from an IPFS node you control', because you will need a node to update the IPNS records which will be the pointers for each thread. The good point of having 'Reads from IPFS', is that your server might melt, but people will still be able to read every comment, always.