ike3 / mangosbot

This is a modification of MaNGOS (Zero, One, R2, Trinity) server which brings a number of bots online and available for any player. Also allows you to use your account/guild characters as bots.
GNU General Public License v2.0
183 stars 78 forks source link

Crash on R2 , this is after a few mins of play #25

Closed FallenAngelX closed 9 years ago

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

Revision: 2014-10-14 13:17:12 12687 c0ade47566dbc4c02f64926a32a8e3085182d377 Date 14:10:2014. Time 20:55 //===================================================== * Hardware * Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz Number Of Processors: 8 Physical Memory: 4194303 KB (Available: 3920380 KB) Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB

* Operation System * Windows 8 (Version 6.2, Build 9200)

//===================================================== Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Fault address: 009D48E5 01:005D38E5 C:\Users\fallenangel\Desktop\Testing_Server\MaNGOS\mangosd.exe

Registers: EAX:2706E4E0 EBX:00000000 ECX:00000002 EDX:00000001 ESI:00000000 EDI:1C6DF020 CS:EIP:0023:009D48E5 SS:ESP:002B:1812C3E0 EBP:1812C76C DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010246

Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 009D48E5 00000000 BIH::intersectRayVMAP::MapRayCallback+3A5 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\bih.h line 192 009D78D3 00000000 VMAP::StaticMapTree::getIntersectionTime+33 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\maptree.cpp line 147 009D813F 00000000 VMAP::StaticMapTree::isInLineOfSight+1CF c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\maptree.cpp line 167 00953EF2 00000000 VMAP::VMapManager2::isInLineOfSight+D2 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\vmapmanager2.cpp line 156 0050E833 00000000 Map::IsInLineOfSight+43 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\map.cpp line 2661 004D0A44 00000000 WorldObject::IsWithinLOS+74 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\object.cpp line 1295 004D0AB8 00000000 WorldObject::IsWithinLOSInMap+68 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\object.cpp line 1288 00AFA648 00000000 ai::NearestGameObjects::Calculate+128 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\values\nearestgameobjects.cpp line 42 00A67C1B 00000000 ai::CalculatedValuestd::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator >::Get+4B c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\value.h line 41 00ADC8D6 00000000 ai::AddAllLootAction::Execute+66 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\actions\addlootaction.cpp line 23 00A2F60A 00000000 ai::Engine::ListenAndExecute+8A c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\engine.cpp line 466 00A2E798 00000000 ai::Engine::DoNextAction+348 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\engine.cpp line 171 00A0A830 00000000 PlayerbotAI::DoNextAction+80 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotai.cpp line 422 00A0DFEE 00000000 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAIInternal+38E c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotai.cpp line 174 009F10A0 00000000 PlayerbotAIBase::UpdateAI+30 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotaibase.cpp line 23 00A0DC3F 00000000 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+11F c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotai.cpp line 150 006067A3 00000000 Player::Update+7B3 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\player.cpp line 1536 004D3A6B 00000000 WorldObject::UpdateHelper::Update+8B c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\object.cpp line 2370 00512694 00000000 Map::Update+404 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\map.cpp line 654 006CA0CF 00000000 ObjectUpdateRequest::call+F c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\shared\objectupdatetaskbase.h line 50 006CB04A 00000000 ObjectUpdateTaskBase::svc+8A c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\shared\objectupdatetaskbase.h line 102 689AA1BC 00000000 ACE_Task_Base::svc_run+2C c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\dep\ace_wrappers\ace\task.cpp line 286 689AA566 00000000 ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke_i+76 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\dep\ace_wrappers\ace\thread_adapter.cpp line 145 689AA4BE 00000000 ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke+7E c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\dep\ace_wrappers\ace\thread_adapter.cpp line 94 68D4C01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F 68D4C001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53 76F686E3 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+E 778DBE99 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+85

778DBE6C 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+58

Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 009D48E5 00000000 BIH::intersectRayVMAP::MapRayCallback+3A5 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\bih.h line 192 Local 'r' = 1812C76C Local 'intersectCallback' = 1812C76C Local 'maxDist' = 1812C76C Local bool 'stopAtFirst' = 90 Local 'dir' = 1812C76C Local 'stack' = 1812C76C Local 'offsetFront' = 1812C76C Local 'offsetBack' = 1812C76C Local 'offsetFront3' = 1812C76C Local float 'intervalMax' = 0.000000 Local float 'intervalMin' = 0.000000 Local 'org' = 1812C76C Local 'invDir' = 1812C76C Local 'offsetBack3' = 1812C76C Local float 't1' = 0.000000 Local float 't2' = 0.000000 Local float 'tf' = 0.000000 Local float 'tb' = 0.000000 Local float 'tf' = 0.000000 Local float 'tb' = 0.000000

009D78D3 00000000 VMAP::StaticMapTree::getIntersectionTime+33 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\maptree.cpp line 147 Local 'pRay' = 1812C790 Local 'pMaxDist' = 1812C790 Local bool 'pStopAtFirstHit' = 30 Local 'intersectionCallBack' = 1812C790 Local float 'distance' = 0.000000

009D813F 00000000 VMAP::StaticMapTree::isInLineOfSight+1CF c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\maptree.cpp line 167 Local 'pos1' = 1812D830 Local 'pos2' = 1812D830 Local 'ray' = 1812D830 Local float 'maxDist' = 0.000000 Local 'st' = 1812D830

00953EF2 00000000 VMAP::VMapManager2::isInLineOfSight+D2 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\vmap\vmapmanager2.cpp line 156 Local unsigned int 'pMapId' = 1812D894 Local float 'x1' = 0.000000 Local float 'y1' = 0.000000 Local float 'z1' = 0.000000 Local float 'x2' = 0.000000 Local float 'y2' = 0.000000 Local float 'z2' = 0.000000 Local 'instanceTree' = 1812D86C Local 'pos1' = 1812D86C Local 'pos2' = 1812D86C

0050E833 00000000 Map::IsInLineOfSight+43 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\map.cpp line 2661 Local float 'srcX' = 0.000000 Local float 'srcY' = 0.000000 Local float 'srcZ' = 0.000000 Local float 'destX' = 0.000000 Local float 'destY' = 0.000000 Local float 'destZ' = 0.000000 Local unsigned int 'phasemask' = 1812D8C4

004D0A44 00000000 WorldObject::IsWithinLOS+74 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\object.cpp line 1295 Local float 'ox' = 0.000000 Local float 'oy' = 0.000000 Local float 'oz' = 0.000000 Local float 'z' = 0.000000 Local float 'x' = 0.000000 Local float 'y' = 0.000000

004D0AB8 00000000 WorldObject::IsWithinLOSInMap+68 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\object.cpp line 1288 Local 'obj' = 1812D8E0 Local float 'oz' = 0.000000 Local float 'oy' = 0.000000 Local float 'ox' = 0.000000

00AFA648 00000000 ai::NearestGameObjects::Calculate+128 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\values\nearestgameobjects.cpp line 42 Local 'targets' = 1812E93C Local 'u_check' = 1812E93C Local 'searcher' = 1812E93C

00A67C1B 00000000 ai::CalculatedValuestd::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator >::Get+4B c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\value.h line 41

00ADC8D6 00000000 ai::AddAllLootAction::Execute+66 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\actions\addlootaction.cpp line 23 Local 'event' = 1812E9BC Local 'gos' = 1812E9BC Local 'corpses' = 1812E9BC

00A2F60A 00000000 ai::Engine::ListenAndExecute+8A c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\engine.cpp line 466 Local 'action' = 1812EA48 Local 'event' = 1812EA48 Local bool 'actionExecuted' = A8

00A2E798 00000000 ai::Engine::DoNextAction+348 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\strategy\engine.cpp line 171 Local 'unit' = 1812EBA8 Local int 'depth' = 1812EC00 Local 'event' = 1812EBA8 Local float 'relevance' = 0.000000

00A0A830 00000000 PlayerbotAI::DoNextAction+80 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotai.cpp line 422 Local 'packet' = 1812EC00

00A0DFEE 00000000 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAIInternal+38E c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotai.cpp line 174 Local unsigned int 'elapsed' = 1812ED34 Local 'helper' = 1812ED20 Local 'holder' = 1812ED20 Local 'command' = 1812ED20 Local 'out' = 1812ED20

009F10A0 00000000 PlayerbotAIBase::UpdateAI+30 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotaibase.cpp line 23 Local unsigned int 'elapsed' = 1812ED5C

00A0DC3F 00000000 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+11F c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\plugins\playerbot\playerbotai.cpp line 150 Local unsigned int 'elapsed' = 1812EDD0

006067A3 00000000 Player::Update+7B3 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\player.cpp line 1536 Local unsigned int 'update_diff' = 1812EDF4 Local unsigned int 'p_time' = 1812EDF4 Local 'iter' = 1812EDD0 Local float 'bubble' = 0.000000 Local unsigned int 'newzone' = 1812EDF4 Local unsigned int 'newarea' = 1812EDF4 Local unsigned int 'timer' = 1812EDF4

004D3A6B 00000000 WorldObject::UpdateHelper::Update+8B c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\object.cpp line 2370 Local unsigned int 'time_diff' = 1812FE90

00512694 00000000 Map::Update+404 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\game\map.cpp line 654 Local 't_diff' = 1812FE90 Local 'updater' = 1812FE90 Local 'world_object_update' = 1812FE90 Local 'updateQueue' = 1812FE90 Local 'grid_object_update' = 1812FE90 Local 'guid' = 1812FE90 Local 'updater' = 1812FE90 Local 'guid' = 1812FE90 Local 'helper' = 1812FE90 Local 'helper' = 1812FE90 Local 'area' = 1812FE90 Local 'guid' = 1812FE90 Local 'cell' = 1812FE90 Local 'st' = 1812FE90

006CA0CF 00000000 ObjectUpdateRequest::call+F c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\shared\objectupdatetaskbase.h line 50

006CB04A 00000000 ObjectUpdateTaskBase::svc+8A c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\src\shared\objectupdatetaskbase.h line 102

689AA1BC 00000000 ACE_Task_Base::svc_run+2C c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\dep\ace_wrappers\ace\task.cpp line 286 Local args& = 1812FF1C void 'args' = 1812FF1C

689AA566 00000000 ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke_i+76 c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\dep\ace_wrappers\ace\thread_adapter.cpp line 145 Local unsigned long 'status' = 1812FF40

689AA4BE 00000000 ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke+7E c:\users\fallenangel\desktop\mangos\dep\ace_wrappers\ace\thread_adapter.cpp line 94 Local 'exit_hook_maybe' = 1812FF40

68D4C01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F

68D4C001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53

76F686E3 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+E

778DBE99 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+85

778DBE6C 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+58

ike3 commented 9 years ago

Seems bot wanted to loot a gameobject (Herb, Mineral vein or so) but LoS calculation in R2 crashes internally. Don't think it can be fixed in playerbot as it expects that LoS should be calculated for any spawned gameobject. Cannot reproduce it locally though, could be some VMap issue.

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

ya ive traced it down, seems R2 is junk anymore unless you revert to a thousand commits ago lol, still has that crash in ensuregridload. any plans on maybe implementing this to cmangos ?

ike3 commented 9 years ago

I thought that CMangos was down too) Actually I dropped (c)mangos support when they decided not to implement Dungeon Finder and later switch to boost convinced me to move on to tc.

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

actually i think its just Xfurry doing cmangos anymore, TC is the best way to go, and still developing strong, but i personally favor and like mangos and have for yrs i like the coding style, easy use and ect ect, im working to implement your server bots to my current projects soon https://github.com/Infinity-MaNGOS , really excited about it

Lillecarl commented 9 years ago

CMaNGOS got some things going, there are changes coming. And they're also working on boost ( https://github.com/qvipka/RustEmu )

TC is good, but i find working with mangos easier, just wanted to share my opinion too!

CMaNGOS is also nice because it supports 1.12.1/2, 2.4.3, 3.3.5 and maybe some time 4.3.4 :)

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

i miss the old mangos crew , and my old dev team on mangosR2, mangos needs to focus on spells and LFG instead of boost i mean theres so much more that needs to be done. me and ike3 where just talking about cmangos going to boost and not doing LFG so he drop support of his serverbot for mangos and moved to mangos, alot of good people have come and gone 8(

Lillecarl commented 9 years ago

Yes i remember when i first joined mangos, then we had some great activity, but it started slowing down sadly.

Then again, if you were to start work on LFG and was serious about it (or even if MR2 LFG is good enough to just port over pretty much). Then that would probably get into master, we can't always expect others to do the work we want them to, this is free work after all =)

TL;DR: TrinityCore for 3.3.5 is unbeatable, but then you limit yourself to 3.3.5 and 4.3.4 (which for me would never work)

FallenAngelX commented 9 years ago

MR2 lfg was ported over for from trinity lol , ive actually thought about trying to port it over to cmangos but like R2 better lol i just spent the last 2 days getting and fixing up a stable version for windows and rebuilding vc files back together for https://github.com/Infinity-MaNGOS for my own R2 repo

kvipka commented 9 years ago

funny =) Infinity-420, RustEmu now more R2 then cmangos =) With LFG and etc. + On boost, yes ) https://github.com/healthstone/RustEmu-Core