ikismail / ShoppingCart

E-Commerce Website Using Java - Spring MVC in Maven - PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED
MIT License
360 stars 406 forks source link


Open ikismail opened 4 years ago

ikismail commented 4 years ago



This was my first project, developed ShoppingCart project for my learning purpose and I'm happy to share my project as open source for others to get benefit.

I kept updating ShoppingCart project as possible as I could. I sadly have to say that I'm gonna leave this project and development.

You can create another fork of this project and work it on your own.

Also I'm not gonna answer to any questions anymore.

With all respect.

Mohammed Ismail. Date: 24 Apr 2020, 10:24 PM

MarcoBl96 commented 1 year ago

Hey, can i use this software in my bachelor thesis to show how to migrate a monolithic e-commerce website to a cloud native microservice architecture? Also i wanted to ask nicely, if you can add a license to this project? Because i read, that normally i am not allowed to modify public github projects without license. Thank you very much, Marco

ikismail commented 1 year ago

Hi @Shiinix ofcourse you can use this project for your bachelor thesis. I have added a MIT license to this project.

MarcoBl96 commented 1 year ago

Hey @ikismail, thank you so much! You really helped me.