ikke-t / podman-container-systemd

creates systemd files and creates containers using podman
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Containers not being pulled when rootless #53

Closed jaywryan closed 2 years ago

jaywryan commented 2 years ago

fix: containers not pulled when non-root fix: service files should be owned by service owner

Please advise. I made these changes to get the containers to pull in my environment. It seems a change was made and containers were not being pulled when running in rootless mode. I also made a small change where the systemd file will be owned by the rootless user in rootless mode.

c-erb commented 2 years ago

Hi Ilkka,

right now I have a problem with the creation of a rootless container cause of the systemd file as well. You can see the code that is in the role right now below and it will lead to an error as my rootless user is supposed to create a file that should be owned by root. Either we let the rootless user create the file, but root won't be the owner, or we remove the become statements. owner: root group: root mode: 0644 become: true become_user: "{{ container_run_as_user }}"

ikke-t commented 2 years ago

True, the become should be root.

ikke-t commented 2 years ago

So what do you guys think? Is it good idea at all that root owns the files, and user has no way to alter them? In my use case, the user is service user who normally doesn't log in ever. However while debugging stuff one needs to login twice, once as a service user and once as a sudo user to be able to modify the files and restart pods.

The plus side in my eyes was that even if for some weird reason someone got in as the service user, they could not modify the systemd file as an extra layer of security.

c-erb commented 2 years ago

I like the idea of additional security by not being able to change the files without root access. My account for rootless podman is also a service user that can only be accessed via su.

What I was wondering is if it would be even better to add the functionality to write the systemd services system wide (/etc/systemd/system or /usr/local/lib/systemd/system and make use of the User and Group parameters for the service. That way we run the services with a rootless user and no one will be able to fiddle with the services in any way without root access. Of course this could also be the default, but this would be a breaking change for older deploys.

User={{ podman_rootless_user }}
Group={{ podman_rootless_group }}
ikke-t commented 2 years ago

It doesn't work that way. That's how it was originally, but I had to change it to user home dir systemd dirs. I don't really know why. It has something to do with dbus I suppose. The same as you can't run podman if you just sudo to user.

ikke-t commented 2 years ago

See https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/7938#issuecomment-723095019

c-erb commented 2 years ago

I see, that is interesting. I thought I tried it already and it had been working. I think maybe it might be working as we enable lingering for the account. I will check again to verify if this is the case or not.

c-erb commented 2 years ago

I just tried it out like promised. I did the setup by hand now to be sure that nothing was created in a way not expected. I used podman to pull the image from the podman rootless account and I configured the service, example for kavita in /etc/systemd/system. And it worked without any problems. This might work now as we enable linger for the user, I am not sure as I didn't test that, but the container is working.

[Unit] Description=kavita Podman Container After=network.target

[Service] Type=simple TimeoutStartSec=15 User=podman-rootless Group=podman-rootless ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/podman stop -t 15 kavita ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/podman rm -f kavita ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/rm -f %T/%n-pid %T/%n-cid

ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --name kavita \ --rm --label "io.containers.autoupdate=registry" -e TZ=Europe/Stockholm -v /home/podman-rootless/kavita/config:/kavita/config -v /home/podman-rootless/kavita/books:/manga -p 5000:5000 \ --conmon-pidfile %T/%n-pid --cidfile %T/%n-cid \ kizaing/kavita:latest ExecStop=/usr/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/podman stop -t "15" cat %T/%n-cid" ExecStop=/usr/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/podman rm -f cat %T/%n-cid" Restart=on-failure RestartSec=30 KillMode=mixed PIDFile=%T/%n-pid Environment=PODMAN_SYSTEMD_UNIT=%n

[Install] WantedBy=default.target

ikke-t commented 2 years ago

And it is normally visible in user session with podman ps? Nice, intereating to know, thanks for testing.

c-erb commented 2 years ago

And it is normally visible in user session with podman ps?

Yes exactly.

c-erb commented 2 years ago

59 The pull request also has the improvements that were asked for here. It is possible to define the user and permissions now.

ikke-t commented 2 years ago

Seems to me the #59 fixed this, I close this. If not, please re-open.