iknowjason / PurpleCloud

A little tool to play with Azure Identity - Azure Active Directory lab creation tool
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Some VM size skus are not available in speciific regions (or with new subscriptions) #10

Closed iknowjason closed 1 year ago

iknowjason commented 1 year ago

Apparently VM skus are not available in specific regions or with newer subscriptions. More research required.

in eastus the default sizes are not available:

size_win10 = "Standard_A1"
size_dc    = "Standard_A1"
size_helk  = "Standard_DS3_v2"

These sizes are available in eastus:

size_win10 = "Standard_D2as_v4"
size_dc    = "Standard_D2as_v4"
size_helk  = "Standard_D2s_v3"
iknowjason commented 1 year ago

Confirmed that the new VM sizes are working for new subscriptions as well as different regions.