iknowjason / PurpleCloud

A little tool to play with Azure Identity - Azure Active Directory lab creation tool
MIT License
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Path to Atomic Red Team needs to be updated #6

Closed hasr00t closed 2 years ago

hasr00t commented 2 years ago

Download path needs to be updated to current path of Atomic Red Team.

New Path: https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

Old Path: https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/archive/master.zip

bluetools: PurpleCloud-master\modules\win10-vm\roles\art\files bluetools: PurpleCloud-master\modules\win10-vm\roles\endpoint\files

iknowjason commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Will check this out and get it updated soon.

hasr00t commented 2 years ago

@iknowjason - I have some more detailed instructions if you're interested as well.

iknowjason commented 2 years ago

Verified the issue and you are correct @akn0w . I've made changes to bluetools.ps1 to update the path to Atomic Red Team and pushed to origin master. Thanks! Closing the issue.