ikrum / potaka

A sentence based easy bangla programming language for kids and beginners.
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Running codes with undefined variable / functions shows unicode hex instead of the letter itself in the output console in Firefox #12

Closed dhrubomoy closed 8 years ago

dhrubomoy commented 8 years ago

This is related to the potaka.io page. Not sure if this is the right place to open this issue. But if we run code like following in the code editor:


in the output console we get this error:

রেফারেন্স ইরর: \u0995\u0996\u0997\u0998 ডিফাইন করা হয় নি

It would be better if the letters themselves are in the output. Like this:

রেফারেন্স ইরর: "কখগঘ" ডিফাইন করা হয় নি

It will be helpful if the line numbers, where the errors were encountered, are included.

EDIT: I am using Firefox 48.0.2. This issue does not occur with Chrome.

ikrum commented 8 years ago

thanks, minify changed this into unicode. it will be solved

dhrubomoy commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Noticed another thing. If reserved words are used, a syntax error is shown nicely and this issue doesn't occur. eg.


shows following error:

সিনট্যাক্স ইরর: ১ নাম্বার লাইনে ভুল আছে। অপ্রত্যাশিত 'থ' পাওয়া গেছে।
ikrum commented 8 years ago


রেফারেন্স ইরর: "কখগঘ" ডিফাইন করা হয় নি

from my pc, can you please give me a screenshot?

dhrubomoy commented 8 years ago

Here's the screenshot. I'm using firefox 48.0.2. The issue does not occur with Chrome, just figured.


ikrum commented 8 years ago

thanks ! I was testing in chrome. I will fix it

ikrum commented 8 years ago

Thanks for rising the issue. It's solved