ikskuh / zig-opengl

OpenGL binding generator based on the opengl registry
European Union Public License 1.2
103 stars 16 forks source link

Type is Used as a Parameter Name #1

Closed desttinghim closed 3 years ago

desttinghim commented 3 years ago

type is used as a parameter name in a couple of functions, which prevents the bindings from compiling without modification. Presumably the code that generates the bindings could automatically rename these to something like gltype to make everything work out of the box.

ikskuh commented 3 years ago

Huh, i thought i had a commit already that fixed this. can you give me the commit you're on and where the error happened?

desttinghim commented 3 years ago

I downloaded the gl_es_3v0.zig file from the exports folder. Maybe those weren't updated?

desttinghim commented 3 years ago

Just cloned this repo and ran the program. Looks like this is still an issue :upside_down_face: texImage2D (and many others) in the GLES 3.0 has this issue.

EDIT: Looks like it's been fixed by that latest commit. Thanks!