ikt20230929 / CSGOBackend

Aim4Gain ASP.NET Backend API
MIT License
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write tests #13

Open molnard1 opened 12 months ago

molnard1 commented 12 months ago


molnard1 commented 12 months ago

some links: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Moq/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/xunit https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/ef6/fundamentals/testing/mocking https://fluentassertions.com/introduction https://xunit.net/docs/nuget-packages

molnard1 commented 8 months ago

Possibly breaking changes that need to be made before ANY tests can be written:

This will involve having to move a LOT of the code into a Service layer (tedious and very annoying to do, but no other choice I can see)

Also, maybe we should have more validation on the endpoints, this library seems cool: https://docs.fluentvalidation.net/en/latest/aspnet.html

Will I be able to do all this before the deadline? Great question!