ikvmnet / ikvm

A Java Virtual Machine and Bytecode-to-IL Converter for .NET
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Error MSB4057 ("the target 'ResolveIkvmRuntimeAssembly' does not exist in project") #455

Closed nico-csp closed 7 months ago

nico-csp commented 7 months ago


Originally posted in https://github.com/ikvmnet/ikvm/discussions/453#discussioncomment-7751379

Newer versions of IKVM are raising MSB4057, when a Maven repository is referenced.


IKVM V8.6.4 was ok, V8.7.4 shows this symptom.

Frame Conditions

A JAR file is referenced using a Maven reference (either local directory or remote server).


mvn Works

I tried to download the JAR file in question by calling mvn directly in terminal. It works.

ikvm Does Not Work

Even after downloading the package (so that it is avail in ~/.m2/repository/), building of the project fails with exceptions within IKVM. For all the following tests, packages are already downloaded into previously mentioned directory.

The symptoms differ, depending on whether I am configuring my private repo using <MavenAdditionalRepositories> or not (settings.xml always contains the URL, though).

Using <MavenAdditionalRepositories>

When <MavenAdditionalRepositories> is used, I am getting


for each project, which depends on the IKVM-project, which should provide the JAR. The latter mentioned project has error MSB4057 ("The target 'ResolveIkvmRuntimeAssembly' does not exist in project"; freely translated from German by me).

The result stays the same, even when I remove bin and obj directories in that project.

No <MavenAdditionalRepositories> (URL only in settings.xml)

It seems that only https://repo1.maven.org/maven2 is scanned by IKVM.

There are two identical warnings and two errors in the project:

Version History

Tested with a local repository directory. This one works (older versions, before update):


This one works, too:


As soon as I upgrade IKVM, it breaks (MSB4057):


wasabii commented 7 months ago

So, the lock0 message. That's what I'm working on now. And I think it's the last issue. Got tracing enabled, and I see:

Linking native method: sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcherImpl.lock0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;ZJJZ)I, class loader = null, short = Java_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcherImpl_lock0, long = Java_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcherImpl_lock0__Ljava_io_FileDescriptor_2ZJJZ, args = 30
UnsatisfiedLinkError: sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcherImpl.lock0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;ZJJZ)I

This only happens when running on win-x86. So what's happening here is the native function lookup for sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcherImpl.lock0. Taking a look at the symbol table for nio.dll for win-x86, I see that the function has a stdcall suffix of @36, actually. Not @30, as would be indicated by the calculated argument length.

So there's our issue. But where is the extra six bytes coming from. It's beacuse in JNIFrame:GetFuncPtr, we're adding sizeof(jboolean) to sp for the two boolean arguments of the native method. jboolean being defined in C# to sbyte. So we're missing 3 bytes per boolean. jboolean is typedefed to unsigned char in C. Which is normally 1 byte. Except in stdcalls, where it gets aligned to 4 bytes. So there's our missing 3 bytes.

wasabii commented 7 months ago

Should be solved in 8.7.3, which is building now.

wasabii commented 7 months ago

IKVM.Maven.SDK 1.6.3 also released.

wasabii commented 7 months ago

The issue here was that the MSBuild you were running was running in 32bit mode on Windows. And there was some errors in IKVM 8.7 regarding looking up native JNI functions on win-x86. stdcall suffix.