ikvmnet / ikvm

A Java Virtual Machine and Bytecode-to-IL Converter for .NET
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The target "ResolvePackageDependenciesForBuild" does not exist in the project #470

Closed amjathrahman closed 5 months ago

amjathrahman commented 5 months ago

Hi Team,

I'm getting the below error while trying to create a dll from jar file using the IKVM package version 8.7.3.

Error Details: .nuget\packages\ikvm.msbuild\8.7.3\buildTransitive\IKVM.MSBuild.targets(37,47): error MSB4057: The target "ResolvePackageDependenciesForBuild" does not exist in the project.

Steps followed:

  1. Added the following Nuget reference to project IKVM, IKVM.Image.JRE, IKVM.Image.JDK.
  2. Added Item group reference as below
    <PackageReference Include="IKVM" Version="8.7.3" />

3. Build the application (Winforms, 4.8 framework)

please help me with this issue, I'm new to this version of IKVM. previously I used to user older version of IKVMC.
With Thanks
wasabii commented 5 months ago

Is it an SDK style project?

amjathrahman commented 5 months ago

I need to create a new dll from JT400 jar version 20, If I use IKVMC then it uses the lower version of Java because that TLS version was sent as 1.0 in the client hello. So I want to create dll using a newer version of IKVM. can you please help me on this?

I have tried the IKVMC with the latest version it was giving the below error image

wasabii commented 5 months ago

Is that separate question? You didn't answer the first...

amjathrahman commented 5 months ago

Same Question @wasabii ... It's not SDK-style project, It's just a dll reference project. I need a dll from the Jar file.

wasabii commented 5 months ago


wasabii commented 5 months ago

Closing since project isn't an SDK project, and we only support SDK projects. If there is a seperate question.... which I cannot tell.... open a new issue with that.