Closed thimself closed 2 years ago
I might have solved this, it seems to help to open a support request and every time after that i am able to spot the problem. Template had "role = sysdba", changed that to normal and it monitoring connected right after that. Will have to test and see that i am able to monitor everything what is needed since database is in DG configuration.
Hi, good that you found your way. Yes, when you always want to connect to the primary instance, it has to connect to a service that is only available on the primary instance. For the SYSDBA role you need to be granted explicitly the SYSDBA role what is needed for ASM instances. You made a nice config. An other one could have been where you monitored both databases independently so you can track the recovery. But what you found yourself is always better. ;-) Have fun!
BTW: since you always monitor the primary, it will just monitor as regular primary databases that are standalone. If you feel things are missing: shout!
I have an issue while connecting to a database which is using Data Guard and is a PDB database. In this configuration i am trying to connect to the PDB and not to the CDB, is this possible with this setup? I am able to connect with sqlplus, but when trying to use failover string in monitoring, connection fails.
Scenario is that i want to monitor the PDB database which is in a failover configuration and with this i would like to connect to the active node each time since the service name switched sides with the active node.
Error: 2021-12-16 10:22:09,171_dbconnections.oracle_40_connect failed 1017 with ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied 2021-12-16 10:22:09,172main40_(1.1)connection error: [1017] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied for C##USERNAME@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=OFF)(FAILOVER=ON)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=server1)(PORT=1521))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=server2)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=SERVICE_NAME)(SERVER=DEDICATED)))
I was using template:, is this the correct one for this usecase?