It does not seem to be possible to build the theme against the latest EFL that comes with E24, either:
edje_cc -id . -fd . main.edc -o detourious.edj
edje_cc: Warning. Parse error near bits/elm/gengrid.edc:834. Unnamed part exists in Group "elm/gengrid/item/excessive-thumb/default".
edje_cc: Warning. This EDC file was designed for EFL 1.18. Until 1.19, EFL used an invalid calculation mechanism for textblock parts, where the value of text min/max was not properly taken into account. You might want to consider adding "efl_version: 1 24;" in your EDC file (before the "collections" block), and then check the sizing for all textblock parts that specify text min/max values (the bool defined as description.text.{min,max}).
edje_cc: Critical. GROUP elm/button/base/media_player/prev/default - state 'clicked:0' does not exist for part 'bt'; set in program 'program_4'
make: *** [Makefile:2: all] Error 255
I just came across this theme because of several recommendations on the net.
Unfortunately, it is not possible anymore to download it from - the Download button is disabled :(
It does not seem to be possible to build the theme against the latest EFL that comes with E24, either: