ilarinieminen / SOM-Toolbox

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SOM component plots and MATLAB 2014b: subplot spacing after resizing figure #3

Open willfurnass opened 9 years ago

willfurnass commented 9 years ago

In MATLAB 2014a component plane subplots are resized when the figure window is resized. This does not happen on 2014b: the subplot spacing increases when one maximises the figure windows but the subplot size does not (which can make the subplots very difficult to interpret if one is trying to view a large number of component planes).

A workaround is to specify a large figure size when the figure is created:

    if strcmp(version('-release'), '2014b')
        % A bug in the SOM toolbox prevents subplots from
        % dynamically resizing when the window size is increased
        % so create a maximised figure by default
        figure('units', 'normalized', 'outerposition', [0 0 1 1]);
tvatanen commented 9 years ago

Hi Will, thanks for providing these fixes for SOMToolbox. As I am no longer actively using SOM Toolbox (and either is Ilari I think), can you please send pull requests for your bugfixes and I'll approve them. Thanks!