ilastik / ilastik-napari

ilastik plugin for napari
MIT License
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Installation instructions: ilastik-forge release is just version 0.1 #10

Closed psobolewskiPhD closed 1 year ago

psobolewskiPhD commented 1 year ago

The install instructions to use: mamba create -y -c ilastik-forge -n my-napari-env napari-ilastik result in outdated plugin:

  + napari-ilastik                          0.1  py_0                  ilastik-forge/noarch          11kB

because the package is out-dated:

pypi has latest version.

This seems like it should work:

mamba create -y -n napari-il -c ilastik-forge -c conda-forge python=3.9 napari fastfilters
mamba activate napari-il
pip install ilastik-napari

but I hit issue with napari[all] in dependencies, see:

Edit: note that adding -c conda-forge in the instructions can be important, because some users may not have that channel, see for example the thread below.

imagesc-bot commented 1 year ago

This issue has been mentioned on Forum. There might be relevant details there:

btbest commented 1 year ago

The instructions have been updated to instruct installation through pip, as we are not supporting the conda release anymore.

Will need to see about removing the deprecated conda package.