Open evrad91 opened 5 years ago
Here is response:
{ "id": 11, "name": "CO2", "roomID": 219, "type": "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor", "baseType": "com.fibaro.sensor", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 7, "remoteGatewayId": 0, "interfaces": [ "zwave" ], "properties": { "parameters": [], "pollingTimeSec": 0, "zwaveCompany": "McoHome Technology Co., Ltd", "zwaveInfo": "5,3,67", "zwaveVersion": "2.0", "categories": "[\"climate\"]", "configured": true, "dead": "false", "deadReason": "", "deviceControlType": "0", "deviceIcon": "47", "emailNotificationID": "0", "emailNotificationType": "0", "endPointId": "0", "log": "", "logTemp": "", "manufacturer": "", "markAsDead": "true", "model": "", "nodeId": "3", "parametersTemplate": "0", "productInfo": "1,95,9,1,49,2,2,0", "pushNotificationID": "0", "pushNotificationType": "0", "remoteGatewayId": "0", "saveLogs": "true", "serialNumber": "", "smsNotificationID": "0", "smsNotificationType": "0", "unit": "ppm", "useTemplate": "false", "userDescription": "", "value": "571.00" }, "actions": { "reconfigure": 0 }, "created": 1572892149, "modified": 1572892149, "sortOrder": 9 }
@evrad91, CO2 sensors are not implemented in the plugin. Additionally this specific sensor describes itself as a "com.fibaro.multilevelSensor" that doesn't allow to understand that it is measuring CO2.
@ilcato Hi! Thanks for the reply! Got it. Then I have follow up questions:
@ilcato Here is the response of the parent device: { "id": 7, "name": "7", "roomID": 0, "type": "com.fibaro.zwaveDevice", "baseType": "com.fibaro.device", "enabled": true, "visible": false, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 1, "remoteGatewayId": 0, "interfaces": [ "zwave", "zwaveAssociation", "zwaveConfiguration", "zwaveSlaveRouting" ], "properties": { "associations": "[{\"endPointId\":0,\"groups\":[{\"groupInfo\":{\"commands\":[],\"name\":\"\",\"profile\":\"\"},\"id\":1,\"singleChannel\":{\"max\":5,\"set\":[1],\"view\":[1]}},{\"groupInfo\":{\"commands\":[],\"name\":\"\",\"profile\":\"\"},\"id\":2,\"singleChannel\":{\"max\":1,\"set\":[1],\"view\":[1]}}]}]", "categories": "[\"other\"]", "configured": true, "dead": "false", "deadReason": "", "deviceControlType": "0", "deviceIcon": "28", "deviceSpecificData": "", "deviceSpecificIdType": "", "deviceState": "Configured", "emailNotificationID": "0", "emailNotificationType": "0", "endPointId": "0", "lastWorkingRoute": "[1]", "lastWorkingRouteRequestStatus": "ok", "lastWorkingRouteRequestTimestamp": "0", "lastWorkingRouteResponseTimestamp": "1572892157", "log": "", "logTemp": "", "manufacturer": "", "markAsDead": "true", "model": "", "neighborList": "[1,13,16,19,22,26,29,55,74,79]", "neighborListRequestStatus": "ok", "neighborListRequestTimestamp": "0", "neighborListResponseTimestamp": "1572892157", "nodeId": "3", "parameters": [], "parametersTemplate": "0", "pollingTimeSec": 0, "productInfo": "1,95,9,1,49,2,2,0", "pushNotificationID": "0", "pushNotificationType": "0", "remoteGatewayId": "0", "saveLogs": "true", "serialNumber": "", "smsNotificationID": "0", "smsNotificationType": "0", "useTemplate": "true", "userDescription": "", "zwaveCompany": "McoHome Technology Co., Ltd", "zwaveInfo": "5,3,67", "zwaveSoftwareVersion": "{}", "zwaveVersion": "2.0" }, "actions": { "getLastWorkingRoute": 0, "getNeighborList": 0, "getParameter": 1, "reconfigure": 0, "requestNodeNeighborUpdate": 0, "setParameter": 2 }, "created": 1572892149, "modified": 1572892149, "sortOrder": 5 }
Not for now.
I have MCO CO2 Monitor which works perfect in Fibaro app and as a standalone monitor, but I have the following issues in HomeKit app:
Is it possible to do something about the points above?
Thanks in advance!