ilcato / homebridge-Fibaro-HC2

Homebridge plugin for Fibaro Home Center 2 (and Home Center Lite ...)
Apache License 2.0
67 stars 27 forks source link

RGBW Controller 2 (FGRGBW-442) not detected #180

Closed TineTurk closed 4 years ago

TineTurk commented 4 years ago


I noticed that my RGBW controller 2 is not detected by the Homebridge. Does anyone else has this issue or is it only me?


TineTurk commented 4 years ago

Below please find json file

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TineTurk commented 4 years ago

Hi @ilcato any chance to look at this one?

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

@ilcato :)

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

If I add: case "com.fibaro.FGRGBW442": to line 266 Homekit detects devices, but doesnt get status or can't run any command. Terminal shows the following error:

[Homebridge] [3/1/2020, 7:55:53 AM] [FibaroHC2] Getting value from device: 233 parameter: On [Homebridge] [3/1/2020, 7:55:53 AM] [FibaroHC2] Getting value from device: 233 parameter: Brightness [Homebridge] [3/1/2020, 7:55:53 AM] [FibaroHC2] Getting value from device: 233 parameter: Hue [Homebridge] [3/1/2020, 7:55:53 AM] [FibaroHC2] Getting value from device: 233 parameter: Saturation [Homebridge] [3/1/2020, 7:55:53 AM] [FibaroHC2] There was a problem getting value from: 233 - Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined [Homebridge] [3/1/2020, 7:55:53 AM] [FibaroHC2] There was a problem getting value from: 233 - Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined [Homebridge] [3/1/2020, 7:55:53 AM] [FibaroHC2] There was a problem getting value from: 233 - Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

ilcato commented 4 years ago

@TineTurk, should be right. Are you able to identify the line nu ber in error?

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

@ilcato Not from the log.

ilcato commented 4 years ago

Is the device the one with ID 180 ? It doesn't have the property "color" and this can be the problem.

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

Yes, ID 180 is RGBW controller.

ilcato commented 4 years ago

The 182 does have the color property. Is it a different physical device? Try to put the type com.fibaro.FGRGBW442CC in the case statement.

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

Hi @ilcato after some testing I have identified the following issues /open points.

ON/OFF Works OK!

HomeKit -> HC2 Color setting Color set on the iphone doesn't seem to be registered by HC2. Works well the other way around. If color or parameters are changed on HC2, HomeKit registers it corectly. W slider doesn't have any effect to color code if.

Brightness setting HomeKit doesn't detect any brightness slider changes on HC2. Brightness is determined according to RGBW setting 0-255 = 0-100% brightness. Whichever color (incl W) is set highest determines brightness percentage in HomeKit. Brightness set on HomeKit doesn't get resistered on HC2. After next HomeKit status update, value get's reset to the value in HC2. (the same as for color setting)

W If HomeKit color codes can only set RGB parameters, we might be left w/o W usage. In such case it would make sense to add W color as independent light. In HC2 Colors can be set to also take W into the mix.

Screenshot 2020-03-01 at 21 18 47

HomeKit would indicate it in the following way: IMG_2925

In this example, I kept RGBW parameters low, and increased brightness to 100%, and Homekit detects the highest RGBW parameter as brightnes setting:

Screenshot 2020-03-02 at 08 40 33

HomeKit status: IMG_3247591FFAA8-1

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

Hi @ilcato , does info above give you enough insight to look if something can be done?


TineTurk commented 4 years ago

If I'm checking the log it all seems to function correctly. Setting colors & brightness OK, but settings don't seem to reach HC2. Only turn on and off status work.

Log: [Homebridge] [3/8/2020, 9:55:19 AM] [FibaroHC2] Setting value to device: 182 parameter: Hue [Homebridge] [3/8/2020, 9:55:19 AM] [FibaroHC2] Setting value to device: 182 parameter: Saturation [Homebridge] [3/8/2020, 9:55:19 AM] [FibaroHC2] Command: setR, value: 135, to: 182 [Homebridge] [3/8/2020, 9:55:19 AM] [FibaroHC2] Command: setB, value: 159, to: 182 [Homebridge] [3/8/2020, 9:55:19 AM] [FibaroHC2] Command: setG, value: 255, to: 182 [Homebridge] [3/8/2020, 9:55:19 AM] [FibaroHC2] Command: setW, value: 135, to: 182

Any idea?

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

HI @ilcato any clue, why homebridge doesnt transmit commands to Fibaro Home Controler? Only Turn on/off commands seem to work, but not brightness or color. Homebridge is able to read correct values.

ilcato commented 4 years ago

I'm not able to debug it.

TineTurk commented 4 years ago

Is there any way I could assist with feedback to provide more info?

brigger commented 4 years ago


I noticed that my RGBW controller 2 is not detected by the Homebridge. Does anyone else has this issue or is it only me?


I do have the same issue. Seems like you have been able to add to Homebridge. What did you do?

I have about 50 accessories, they all are loaded automatically and beautifully. Do I need to include the json code manually into config.json for the RGBW controller, since it is not recognised automatically?

Thank you in advance for tips!